mercredi 31 mai 2017

Give value to your brain, but learn to leave some questions unanswered.

This probably is one of the most unexpected and controversial advise that I would give, but this is the one I breed my children with, and this is among the most important life advises that I wrote in “The way to the summits is made out of common sense”  (“La route des Sommets est celle du bon sens”, under publication).

Actually, giving value to one’s brain is not only attending high school, high-standard or expensive trainings. Letting people make money out of your own ignorance is not what I consider as the most intelligent system in the world. Furthermore, though I deeply recommend going as far as possible in studying (which is one of the best ways of structuring our brain cells)-, there are thousands of other ways of feeding our brain, like reading, exchanging with some experts, observing nature, etc.

As a matter of fact, I noticed that the longer the study cycle, the farther the sense of reality and the connection to inner dreams. And thought this may sound contradictory, it nevertheless is the case, at least for a majority of people.
It actually is vital to use and explore the most parts of our brain in all the possible ways through studies, working on our memory, trying or playing music, playing chess, looking for some quizzes, etc. But it is this much important to develop your sense of discernment. It is one thing to get instruction and another thing to get common sense. In this purpose, better not take any affirmation as gospel truth, even (especially) when it is supported by a “scientifically proven” indication.

Our holy earthly mission is to deepen and to enrich all the things that we are called to read, to hear, to see, to learn, to know  in our own special way, through our own personal deduction and life experiences. We actually are the only ones able to evaluate what information we can “feel” right or wrong. And only our self empowerment in the deal will allow us to reach our own Truth.

You may not understand everything all the time. But it will be fine anyway.

Furthermore, learning to let go in a day-to-day mindset is another rich way of feeding our brain, but most of all our soul.
I am not advising to stop making plans and to stop drafting visions and objectives. Plans and visions are what lead us ahead to build our dreams. I am rather talking here about not taking things and life too seriously. Because just letting loose, looking at the sky, watching the birds fly, feeling the rain mud going through our bear footed toes without trying to know if this is Darwin or God’s creation, and not worrying about what tomorrow will bring, is as much important in terms of well-being and success reaching than any expensive or qualified training or coaching course you will attend.

Yes, sometimes, leaving some fundamental questions unanswered, not trying systematically to get a scientific evidence for one fact or another is a proof of intelligence. As a matter of fact, no one on earth will ever have all the answers we are looking for at the right time we need it. Only our inner part is able to give us the answers we are looking for, provided we give it room and space for it.

So relax, breath, smile like an happy stupid fool. Because that is what life also is. ©

Extract of « La route des Sommets est celle du Bon Sens » (under publication), Cornélia ANDRIAMASY.

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

mardi 30 mai 2017

Giving and sharing is a Natural Life Process which leads to gain.

 In mathematics, we are taught that what is “given” is “withdrawn” from you. You “lost” it.

Yet, in the Mathematic Laws of Life, what you give is an asset. It is something that you have invested. Hence, you can get it back with the interest rate, in good or in bad. Because in this life concept, Life is a big Investment Fund which gives you back amplified what you invested.
Thus, in your interest, manage to invest only good and positive thoughts and actions.

In some martial arts, the energy of your adversary is what you use to fight him. There is a trasnformation field between the both of the fighters, which gives the first energy much more power.
In this same reciprocity optic, there is this famous life cycle, this wheel which turns and puts you  sometimes at the bottom up, at the bottom down or in between. There also is this Yin and Yan thing, the shadow and the light, the full and the empty, the hard and the soft part.
All of these successive and alternatives phases show that not only do your actions come back to you, but they come back after a transformation process because they would have gone through several cycles before (which is actually what amplifies them, like if each transformation step brought them  sort of value added aspect). And , in respect to this system, what you put in you need to pull back or extract, and when you receive you need to give or share in return.

Life is about cycles, about reciprocity. When you receive, you give back in order to gain more.

Hindering this Natural Life Process (NLP) is hindering your own internal, external, physical, mental and spiritual functioning and development. This dysfunction may be dangerous. Just imagine someone eating without ever  evacuating saddles or urine. His/her health will soon be endangered and his/her life as well.

In the same way, just have a look at these people who never stop taking from others and who never ever give or share back anything, afraid that this may lead them lose what they have. They become greedy, voracious, egocentric, self centered and small minded. And they lose the notion of what is essential in life, they lose their humanity. But even worst, all around them, friends, wellbeing, love, mental and physical health are slowly moving away.

This is the reason why when you receive something from Life, you are called to give back in return. ©

Make It Happen!Mada

Keep life’s gifts and attention focused on you.

There are days when in spite of all our willingness, we still get grey-moody and not very responsive to life’s million subjects of excitation.
Physical fatigue, brain saturation, a heart torn into pieces or just a soul exhausted of the surrounding foolishness, whatever the reason, we just don’t feel like doing anything.
Be careful. Il it fine to relax and take a time to focus on some aspects of our lives. But this focus shouldn’t exceed a certain period of time which might make  then it then turn out into lasciviousness.
And anywhere in the world and in every rxisting system, lasciviousness is never what attracts or gets the most attention.

Hence, after this beneficial moment of internal self-tuning, what you can do is to rapidly take all the energy left in you and to stand up and face reality back again.

There aren't any standard or miraculous formulas to turn the life’s (or universe) attention on you. But this again, is following a Natural Process made out of the most basic common sense. Just imagine that you regularly were to bring some gifts to some children. To which one of them do you think you would want to give it to willingly every day? To the ones who ignore you and will not even take the time to look at the gifts that you brought, taking it for granted as if you owed them something? Or to the ones who would jump up to the roof feeling excited to see you, who would open the gift with impatience and who would fully express their gatefulness for it? Which one of them  would you more feel likely to help and support with some more gifts? The ones who would not even look at you when you come, the ones who would not care about the value of the things you brings and who would never ever plan to talk with you? Or the ones who keep a regular communication, explaining how they used the gifts and what they plan to do with the coming ones?

Keep life's attention focused on you by living your life as fully as possible.

I mean, they could give thousands of training and seminars concerning “abundance”, "right tunning or attitude'' and some other gifts of life, the only lesson to get is the one that the Natural Life Process gives us every day, in our daily lives, through cases of Nature, through common sense.

Life naturally pays attention (and gifts) to the ones who find life exciting. And even if this is not the case every day because we all have our daily worries to deal with, there is ALWAYS something in life to be excited for. ALWAYS! You could list at list 5 of them every day without thinking long (knowing there are thousands of exciting things in life).

So  if you are interested in being more gifted, blessed, cherished by life and in having the chance stick to you, just life your life COMPLETELY as strongly and fully as possible.
Give yourself the chance to travel, near or far but to travel and to see and to learn more things. Gather life experiences, do sports, climb trees as when you were younger, play hopscotch, do things that adults may consider as “stupid”, meet the people that make you feel good, explore new places, try some new food, learn some new subjects that excite you, smell fully flowers, trees, coffee or whatever… but just show with evidence to the Nature your appreciation of all the little things it offers you.

In addition, when living one’s life completely, the part of our brains that releases dopamine becomes more reactive. But most of all, when living your life fully, you are so focused in your life exploration that you naturally have less time, less energy and less envy for complaining, talking about others and envying their lives. In doing so, you give your life and yourself its full value.

Taste and enjoy each single things as if it was for the very first time.

Taste and enjoy each single thing and situation, not as if this was for the last time (the only thought of it is depressive), but feel it, live it and enjoy it as if it was for the very first time of your life, with all you sense, cells and emotions.

All these obstacles that you can go through easily when you are feeling loved comes from the same process happening when you love life and when you love yourself. Life’s gifts or what they call “abundance” are attracted like a magnet by Life itself and by love.

Give it a try! Give yourself this chance to benefit from the Natural Life Process! ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentorship.

Skype: cid-ar

lundi 29 mai 2017

Be different today! Be unique!

I agree, we can’t be concerned with all the problems in the world, we all have our own personal issues to face and to solve.

And yes, bringing one's contribution to make the world better is not the wish or the concern of everybody since, all of us, in our own way, maybe think that our own level contribution to the world is enough, at least as far as we are concerned.

And actually, each one of us has certainly done something she/he can be very proud of.

But now, here is a question. What footprint will you leave for the people around you, not talking about the coming generations?  
What worth is it living and existing in this world if it is just about ourselves, if there is not much to remember from us after we are gone?

Or else, if today was the very last day of your life, wouldn't there really be anything that you would want to change? Not concerning the way you lived, but concerning these things that you did (or didn't do)?

They say: "If something is worth doing, it is worth doing properly".

Hence, you can take the chance of becoming someone that somebody will remember with thankfulness one day.
You can be this someone that others will think about with a smile or be that person that people will be missing when you are not around.
You can be that someone important to someone else, because you would have given an example of courage, of generosity, of faith, of perseverance, of success...

Let your story be engraved in the book of the Universe.

Whatever may be this thing you want people to remember from you, a good employee, a good father, mother, child, inventor, writer, cook, fighter... you can do it in a way that will make people say that YOU are different, because you actually are.

Do something nice today. Put a smile on someone's face. Make someone remember you.

Be different! Be unique! ©

Make It Happen!Mada

Let loose and smile. Things do happen!

Letting go of fears, worries and negative emotions is a natural process that helps all the cells and energy in your body to find their right place in our system.  
But letting loose is also the hardest process to execute. Our different emotions of the day, but most of all, our mental inheritance and believes make us "naturally" fear, worry, doubt or put pressure on ourselves. These are emotions that we unfortunately can not get rid of in a twinkling of an eye. But the good news is that we can control them.  


Well, there are thousands of methods, exercises and ways to learn to let loose. I would recommend the simplest one to begin with. And this consists in deep breathing. In doing so, we let the oxygen circulate through all the parts of our body and reach our brain. Once the cells of our brain are oxygenated, we somehow "think differently" because the way is clear, free from the "traffic jam" of negative thoughts which obstructed the way to the good ones.
Once you master deep breathing, and are able to practice it naturally and automatically at any of your spare moment, you can consider that a certain process is on its way.

In relaxing our thoughts, we let nature do its work without our interference. And what nature does not only is efficient but it also is beautifully and magically done.

Take life easy with what it offers you.

Hence, relax your whole body, take some few seconds to breath in as softly and as deep as you can while bloating you belly as much as you can. Hold the oxygen some more seconds within you, before breathing the same way: very softly and deeply while deflating your belly little by little. (For your first times, you will need a favorable context for this exercise, and is it useful to mention that this might be tiring and even dizzying for beginners. Do not force things; this must remain a pleasure and not a torture since we are talking about letting loose).
And last thing, smile!  
Everything will be fine. Things do happen when you allow them to. And they are on their way. So just go on with what life brings you. ©

Make It Happen!Mada

vendredi 26 mai 2017

When do you know you are ready for Success?

When you release and let go.

When your body, like your spirit, are loose enough to let the real energy flow in and circulate, and when, with it, comes the work or the inconscious which then can properly and easily guide you towards this best part of your life.

When you undertand that stress, anger, fear and doubt are useless because you are being more and more confident in your life destination and in the imminent positive change of your situation.

Relax. Smile. This is all you need to do for now.
Everything is fine if only you let go of what is not calm or pleasant feelings.


Make It Happen!Mada

Place the bet on you !

Have you ever wondered if anyone would one day put a bet on you?
Have you ever asked yourself is there was anything in what you are or what you did that would want them to do so?

Now, what about yourself? Would YOU place a bet on yourself? Did you give yourself all the chances and good reasons to do so?

I mean, when investing in this car, in this bag or in this watch, did it ever cross your mind to may be investing on YOU?

What for? Well, maybe because except you, no one else will ever run your race for you or build your dreams on your behalf.

Hence, the day you realize that you are your best investment project, you will start seeing and doing things differently.

Jumping obstacles and winning are easier when the horse is given special care and training. 

Your time, your energy, your talent, your efforts… everything about you will be precious. You will give yourself a different concern, a different daily planning, a different care and attention. You will be more concerned about where you go, what you listen to, who you are discussing with, … You will understand that your health being you capital value, your brain, heart and body will require a special attention about how you treat them, what to feed them with, how to give them the rest they need.

Maybe this is what they mean with “feeding the god”, or feeding the right wolf inside us.
Again, loving oneself takes all it sense when talking about personal achievement  and/or success.

So treat yourself right.
Your life is a thoroughbred industry, and you are its best pure-bred horse.
Place the bet on you, you will repay yourself well in return. ©

Today, this first day of the best part of your life!

Today is the right moment to put behind you the down moments that stopped you from getting where you should be.

You can begin in just deciding today to feel free inside. Tomorrow will be another day.
But as for today, take a big breath, close your eyes, visualize some good moments that you had or that you plan, and just decide that you are presently living "the first day of the best part of your life".

Just decide that this day is fun, that the sun is bright and that your heart is happy. And give yourself this chance of feeling good.

Nothing matters this day whatever may, nothing at all, because you are alive, healthy and ready to take your life chance.

As for your worries, your doubts, your fatigue, your frustration or your anger, you will deal with them at the end of the day by simply symbolically burying them.

But for the moment, allow yourself to feel good, to have fun to smile and to be carefree. This is an excellent inner intellectual and spiritual flush.

Hug the day, kiss the moment and love the person you are.

Have a carefree brain, an opened heart and a wonderful day! ©

Oxygen your life!

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

mercredi 24 mai 2017

Be the Lead role all categories!

There is a Life casting currently going on. Don’t even look for the second role, just apply for the lead one in all the categories.

If you have spent a long time far away from the film set, looking at other people under the spotlight while you were still wondering what to do with your life and which way to go.

For all these times it hurt you, for all these moments of deception and frustration, for each one of the tears you dropped, for each one of these words that you swallowed, for each opportunity you thought to be yours and which split through your fingers without understanding why.. for each one of the first place that you thought you deserved and which has been attributed to someone else.
For all these reasons, you are given today another chance to take your share on the Life market, because the Life process is made of cycles.

Look back at all these painful flashbacks in your head. Feel and sense it as intensively as possible, while telling yourself that this is your last time with them.  Gather your faith and energy, and take your revenge on each one of these missed moments with yourself and with your destiny.

This is your life film you are playing in, do not let someone else get the lead role.

Your “behind the scene” period is ending. The best “second, third or last role” period is over too.

And as of today, the Lead role in this Life film all categories is YOURS!
Live it and play it with each cell of your body and mind.

Take your chance, fulfill this most important mission of your life.

You are enrolling for the Life Best Roles Nomination and Award process.

Be nominated, feel good inside and win! ©

Cornélia A.R.
Make It Happen!Mada


You deserve the best! But how much do you value it?

You probably have heard these famous quotes like: “you get what you deserve” or “what goes around comes around”.
These are actually quotes that make sense. If you won’t switch on the light at night for instance, you neither can complain about being in the darkness nor blame the people living in shining light houses. And so does it go with our lives.

Now, if this might sound obvious when talking about switching on the light at night, it oddly seems to lose evidence when it comes to one’s life choices. These choices are actually meant to bring us a certain positive change, yet people seem to fear the fact of having to make choices, especially life choices because, of course, they involve a huge complexity of feelings and parameters.

These life choices that cause us the most difficulty.

Actually, the choices involving the necessity to quit something or a situation that has been of a certain help to us, are ones of the hardest to face. I have known a lot of people hesitating in these cases because making the choice to quit for instance, would make them feel ungrateful, especially when there was a sort of mental indebtedness. 

But look now. First of all, depending on the circumstances and on the persons involved in the matter, you won't be indebted to this/them for your lifetime will you? As for the gratefulness, yes, being thankful for what we have not only is important but necessary for the reprogramming of our brain in order to get a certain mindset. But it does not forbid you to point out what goes wrong in a situation and most of all, it doesn't stop you from trying to repair it or to enhance it.   

How much do you value yourself?

Maybe our choices give the best evaluation of how we value ourselves.

Now, getting back to the matter of how self value, our life choices are the ones that give the best indication. And fortunately, they are remediable.

For instance concerning your job; you can be thankful to have one because this allows you to have a certain social utility and to be able to care about your family. Yet, if this job actually belittles you and squashes on your dignity, at this moment of time does the social utility of the job allow it to step on your self-respect?
I am not telling anyone to quit here! I am just opening a subject to mind.  

In the same way, you can be grateful for a relationship, for a husband, a wife, a boy or a girl-friend.  They say than being two is better than being alone. But when this "being-two" leads to abuse, lack of mutual respect or self destruction, does it really worth it?

In a lot of cases, the external opinion weighs a heavier in people's balance than their deepest needs.

What I am saying here is that often the social and external aspect are given more importance than the inner core needs (usually ignored). Why is that? Who on earth ever decided that the outside opinion of some others had any priority on our inner feelings and requirements? 

Of course, we actually need some loving, compassionate and advising external opinions. But this should be done from these people who value us for who we are and not for what we socially look like. Yet these few but important person's opinions are frequently set aside in favour of the majority's opinion...which often does not mean anything.

Now, remember that YOU are important. But if you do not give yourself the importance that you deserve, no one from the outside will ever do it for you. So, unless you learn to give yourself the core value that you (think you) deserve, it is useless to wait it from others, this won't happen. It goes the other way around.

Press this button somwhere in your willingness box... and simply go for life and for wellbeing.

Reevaluate your personal importance.

So today maybe is time for you to re evaluate your personal importance, your professional worth, your social impact, or your place among your family, etc. 
Maybe is it time to ask yourself if this place you have in each one of these contexts is a chosen place or if it is a designated one. Is it the role and importance that you deserve? Or it is the one that society and people decided for you?

Whatever the answers to these questions, YOU can make things change.
You can start to exist for real and for yourself, as an important person.
You can start to make a difference. 

You can start to build today in the real life, this person that you see in your goals. Only because if you saw this person in your goals and dreams, it is because this person can be you. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional mentoring accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or productivity goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

mardi 23 mai 2017

Solution for hard times: roll up your sleeves and rebuild immediately.

Sometimes, when facing our life storms, the Life Natural process allows and advises us to let go. As a matter of fact, it is crucial at these moments to let the emotional release go its way. 

This step is important because it allows us to focus on ourselves during the hard time in order to “cleanse” our spirit, our heat and sometimes our souls, from these negative energies.
Trying to keep these bad energies is not only absurd and counterproductive, but it also is destructive. This emotional release step is thus necessary, beneficial and repairing.

Now, remaining too long in this phase beyond the natural period planed for it, can lead to the opposite process and make the positive cleansing system turn into an insane and conscious or unconscious victimization and self pity stage. Instead of letting the wound be repaired naturally, the complaining and self-flagellation mindset keeps the wound wide open and conducive to infection.

You can either choose to see the surfing opportunity or the dangerous waves.

Thus, as wise Salomon said, there is a time for everything. There is a time for crying and complaining, and another one for rolling up sleeves and for reconstruction after the storm.  
And the sooner this reconstruction period, the greater chances to succeed. 

Why is that? Well, because Life is about consecutive cycles that come one after the other. And in this succession of cycles also comes a succession of different energies, both positive and negative.
These energies follow a flow that can be ascending upon the circumstances, before going back to the bottom-down. 
And the best period to launch something, especially reconstruction, is when these energies are at their upper most level. When these energies fall down again, construction is not impossible, but harder to achieve because one needs t find the way to make them climb higher.

These energies are not only at the ascendant level when we are feeling good. A great pain, a big frustration, a big anger, etc. are as favorable to the ascendance of these energies, as a big happiness period. Actually, most of the greats conscious or unconscious resolutions of this world realized in this world have been hatched during hard times.

You alone can steer your life boat.

You are thus, your own Che Guevara, your own life hero and architect. You and you alone can steer your life vessel. You alone can feel if the swell is heavy of not.

Now, if you can look at your hard periods as if these were stepping stones to reach higher grounds instead of seeing them as a “failure”, if you can see in these huge life waves some beautiful waves to surf on, then you can save yourself from drowning. And more than this, you can have the uppermost luxury mindset to jump ever higher. ©

Good waves!

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

Les jaloux: des écorchés vifs de la vie?

Et alors? Mais tous les écorchés vifs (et il y en a) n'em... pas le monde pour autant!   Que les jaloux aient bâclé ou raté des étapes c...