lundi 17 juillet 2017

Letting go to make things happen

Letting go to make things happen.
We all know this necessity of developing a “letting go” mindset, even when we don’t always understand what it takes, and this is the case even when we have our own theory and conceptual reasons about it. What actually is letting go? It simply is letting a positive flow of energy allow the occurrence of the right opportunities in our lives, projects, Companies, etc. It is just surfing on the waves, going as far as can be when we feel the wind rising, and simply letting ourselves float over the water and let the waves takes us to the seashore.

But what does this really mean? In words, everything is so prettier, easier. Concepts are great, moving and sometimes they even are leaving a real print in the memory. But on the ground, the reality is less funky.

Is letting go not worrying about anything? Or is it about ditching things, people and situations?

Letting go (or rather “not letting go) in business.
I have seen this feeling of nearly permanent stress that one has when working in a Company, especially in the big ones. And I have noticed how often Managers liked to see this stress developed in their subordinates but whatever vicious and insane reason, with an official goal of “productivity”.  I know in some types of business, stress is considered as a vector of performance, and I may admit it is in some circumstances, depending on the kind of stress.

The fact is that, be it in business or in the everyday life, a negative stress and resistance will just hold back opportunities. The (negative) stress is a resistant energy that creates a sort of barrier to opportunities, to realization, to productivity and development.

Sometimes going against the wind is necessary, some others times surfing is the best option. Credit image: Pixabay. 

A majority of Company though, keep on pushing their teams to “insist”, to “force”, to go ahead whatever may with a project, a client, a provider, a situation. Of course, this strength and aggressiveness may work on the short run, but not (never) on the mid and long run. 

First, this mathematically leads to a loss of energy inside the team and to a progressive demotivation. And when the human resources which are the most valuable Company’s assets, get low energy or demotivated, it is among the hugest losses in terms of energy, time and money for a Company. And second, when “forcing” or “insisting” on a situation that isn’t apparently meant to be, you are the one creating resistance at the edge of the line (with colleagues, clients, suppliers, stakeholders, etc.). And unless you don’t feel concerned by a win-win and fruitful success or collaboration (which is a strategy like any other, no one and no strategy is to blame here), this will not be productive on the run. Now, I am not trying to implement a new way of doing business. I am just suggesting considering things (including business) differently for more efficiency.

Letting go is not stopping to focus on something. It is knowing when to.
I took the example of companies, but it goes exactly the same way of course with the other aspects of life. Be it concerning a conviction, a friend, a situation, a decision, or whatever, when your inner energy doesn’t make you feel ready for it, when you just don’t feel like, then just don’t do it. And when the outside energy is not available for it either, when there are too many unexplainable issues around it, whatever the beauty, the promise or the utility of it, just drop it. At least for a moment.  The Natural Life Process is such that each “resistance” happens for a reason.

I won’t detail this aspect, but you may have experienced it on your own. When over focusing on the signature of a contract, on a phone call or on a special opportunity… what we get at the end is rather issues around the particular thing we have been waiting for, more than the achievement itself. Yet, the moment we decide to drop it and to move to something else realizing it definitely had taken too much of our energy and time, it happens to come back again… until we put the stress back on it another time (so does it go with money, girl/boyfriends, babies, jobs, etc, doesn’t it?). Some Cartesian will attribute this to a sort of esoteric phenomenon while it is nothing but the Natural Life Process which is an addition of natural, mathematical, scientific facts, dictated by a ruthless logic and a very basic common sense. But this is not the point.

Can we really let go in any situation?

When our inner energy is strong enough, resistance makes us grow. Some other times, wisdom is just to let go.
Credit image: Pixabay.

When your reality doesn’t even allow you to emit the possibility of letting go, when you are walking on a fine line due to supplier’s or bank credit, with tax and monthly salaries to pay and no payment or opportunity at the skyline, when you are struggling for something very important, or when you simply are facing situations that can’t leave you serene, how do you do to let go? How do THEY do to let go since there actually are so many people claiming to have or to know how to deal with this mental superiority allowing them to stand back in front of some situations.

The answer is I do not how THEY do, but I see how the Nature works and how it’s functioning is a source of evidence and lessons.

Since Nature is nothing but common sense added to a tiny bit of thinking, on the ground, the “letting go” process is, in a company or at home, with family or friends, nothing but surfing on the energy flow.  This is your own personal energy at the moment, your own feeling and intuition and the outside energy (namely the happening and evident circumstances at the moment and place of the situation). There will be times when your energy will be more powerful than the outside one, then you may want to have things done anyway but sometimes at the high price (like getting back to work after a terrible disease, or trying to fall in love immediately after a emotional split). But some other times the inner and outside energies and events may just totally be out of control. Going ahead anyway at these moments pretending determination and willingness, may in many cases lead to failure or to disaster. As long as you “feel” a sort of inner or outside “resistance” concerning a personal or professional situation… know that maybe this is not the right things, the right person, or just not the right moment. So save your energy, mind and bother for something else.

Now when do you know it is the right moment, situation, decision, etc?
Simply when pressure is gone. When the uneasiness now looks like a possibility, and when your inner being “feels like”, then you know it is the good time. This is not outlookable or schedulable in time because it is a natural process.
You may ask some artists about the conditions that allow them the most to develop inspiration and to create artistic pearls. Only a few will answer “under pressure”.

You could as well remember the way you feel when having to face a huge volume of urgent work that is not necessarily putting you at ease for many reasons. You may as well just notice how people generally apologize in advance for eventual mistakes when presenting a work done in a hurry.

The fact is that most of the times, efficiency, productivity, success, etc. come with willingness and a minimum of pleasure. So when you just don’t have this mindset for working on something important, or for meeting with someone, etc., better postpone it for when the good conditions will be back.

Can we force the conditions to be good?

The humankind has invented so many things. Creating good occasions shouldn't be this difficult.
Credit image: Pixabay.

In theory, you can’t “force” spontaneity, willingness or good conditions. But on the ground, of course you can. This is what motivation is for. And this is why human have been given a brain for: to create the right context, environment and mindset required for the achievement of their personal or professional goals. No matter if it needs to take minutes, hours, days, or months, this is not the point. The better the environment and conditions for the brain, and the most productive it will be, which means, the easier it will lead you to reach the goals that you set.

How does it work to create the good conditions?
To begin with, the first context you can have influence on in terms of energy, is yourself. Because the Natural Life Process is made out of infinity of vibrations synchronizations, the outside environment will naturally adapt its vibrations to yours once you are interiorly synchronized (this means when each piece of your mental, spiritual and physical aspects will be ready, available and focusing on the matter).

Concretely, the brain needs calm, focus and a minimum of pleasure (led by willingness) to synchronize and to execute what is required from it. And most of all, it needs SPACE. And space also means freeing our brains from questions and pressure.

This is to be taken in the strict and metaphorical sense. Our brain understands and speaks in symbols and we need to give it a minimum of coherence between what we ask for and what we feed our brains with. This is the reason why we all need a certain time alone during the day, to reset our brain back to what is essential, to have some time to reconnect with our inner energy in order to make it grow. This is also why as long as it is possible, we need to have a minimum of space. This is particularly true for our eyes. Visions come clearer when in our daily lives our physical vision is clear, when our field of view can see as far as possible.

Hence, added to PLEASURE and willingness, the principal ingredients to launch the machine are there.

In conclusion,
Letting go is knowing how to feel our inner energy and the outside one. Though science may have issues with this, believe me, listening to you inner energy, feelings and perception as well as to the outside ones, really are trustful indications.

I believe that this is why women are, let’s say… more conscious, aware and reactive because they are more connected to this dimension.  But if women can everybody can as long as we learn to know, to listen and to discuss regularly with ourselves anytime we have the occasion to.

Now, if you really want things to happen, no matter how hard it seems to achieve in the reality, just let go, wait and watch. Things are happening. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

3 commentaires:

  1. Réponses
    1. Hi Raymond,

      Thank you. I am happy you liked it :). All the best!

  2. Hi Steve, Thank you for your kind comments. I went on your site which is efficiently structured. I also read the article which is quite coherent and intersting (actually what I teach to my students). Have an excellent day!


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