vendredi 21 juillet 2017

Write your story and build your dreams while you can.

As human, we often keep relentlessly dragging out these projects that are important to us. And I know what I am talking about, this was familiar to me. The main reasons for which we keep doing so are often related to 1) fear, to 2) over thinking and to 3) a too long preparation stage (more related here to the waiting of the right occasion than to preparation itself). These are time eaters, faith stranglers and action killers.
And this happens to everyone; no matter how strong your perspicacity, your self-awareness or your determination, when it comes to you, to pushing yourself forward to attend your goals, things are always a little bit harder. Though we might be good at advising others including our own children and family, when we are the ones concerned, the risks are obviously different. But so are the stakes. 
For having gone through this, I can say that keeping the eyes glued on these stakes (in order to make them weigh heavier in the balance). Furthermore, as parents (or models for some other people), there is a sort of “parental mission” (or whatsoever related to the position you wish to have in the society) that somehow requires to fully understand the process in fully going through it, in order to be able and to have the legitimacy to give these self tips.
Now, here is how it “officially” goes in terms of internal process.

The pre-jumping process in theory:
Behind the first try there often is this subdued fear of failing , and even sometimes, this fear of succeeding for some darks reasons that we don’t necessary get in a conscious way. As a matter of fact, trying is jumping ahead. Jumping ahead is taking a risk. And at first sight, a risk often seems immeasurable or uncontrollable. Now you can get over it and clear a good part of the work and procedures by identifying the origins of these fears, and by assessing the eventual positive and/or negative impacts of the “jumping ahead”.
Now, understanding this process is a good thing but it is not the most important one. Accepting these reasons that hinder us from going, facing them on the ground and getting over it are much bigger challenges. But once this is done, the decision is yours. You can either choose to jump ahead immediately or to take more time for a better mental preparation.  But believe me, this mental preparation can be a solution or a trap, because if this is necessary (for the thousand reasons you may guess), it also requires time; and too much time doesn’t serve action

Stop giving time too much time. Everything IS an opportunity to go forward.
Credit image: Pixabay

What it takes on the ground.
Thus on the ground, saving time requires:
-          the necessity of clearly (and rapidly) defining the causes of our inner fears. In doing so, we give ourselves the opportunity to handle things and situation out more easily and effectively. And this comes after a certain (and regular) introspection, thus after a little (more) time alone with our unformulated questions, with their undisclosed answers and with the fullest mental availability on the matter.

-          determination, which is much more important than any kind of plan and preparation. There always is in the reality, a certain margin of error (in the times lines, in the expected results and impacts of our actions, etc.). This is normal; we do not have the infused knowledge or the highest wisdom after all. But since we have so little influence on it, better spend our energy on something that we have more control on, and this is Action.  As long as we just decide to step in, we keep a sort of control on our life story, which is not the case when we leave the realization of our life dreams to imponderable factors. And too much preparation, too much waiting of external events like the “right moment, right opportunities, etc.”  are unfortunately depending on external parameters.

-          to put time on our side. And time can only be on our side when we don’t give it time to be altered by external factors which will create anyway new circumstances on which we again, we won’t have any control.

Sometimes we keep clinging to something that we consider to be security when we could just jump ahead.
Credit image: Pixabay

Over-thinking is giving time too much time.
I could list a thousand other action killers and we’d still be there next year naming them. But the most dangerous ones are over analyzing the situation (which the worst time eater ever) and giving time too much time in expecting for example things to turn out by themselves in our favor. These two factors grasp time and kill action, and when action is dead, there is no moving forward.
I am not suggesting to jump ahead with the eyes closed in an unprepared life adventure, with the sole and naive thought that just believing strong enough in it will make it happen (some success stories started this way though).
I am just talking about having a reasonable overview of the potential risks, getting ready to face them eventually, AND to stop over-thinking.

Trust your instinct, especially concerning personal issues and goals.
Furthermore, as humans, we have been made out of a certain instinct which may (or not) be complementary to the preparation step, but which in any case, remains a significant and more trustful guide than preparation, at least for those who chose to use it. I know a majority of people choosing to stifle this natural GPS in favor of some meticulous plans and strategies. I have nothing against plans, strategies and whatsoever. They indeed are useful especially for some collective actions. But whether we like it or not, they are related to the external situations and circumstances, and they always require be adapting and updating accordingly. 
If a good preparation is recommended for collective actions, I would rather suggest trusting the instinct for personal ones. Collectivity requires considering external circumstances, but personal and individual goals require considering the inner context. And instinct is an inner context indicator which also considers the external circumstances as well.
If you take time one day to inquire about the big projects and realizations of this world, you will discover  that a majority of them have began at the outset with only the pure instinct of two people discussing with a pencil and a paper, sometimes with even less.   

While waiting for the right occasion, you miss the real ones.
They say that time is money.  But time is also opportunities. So the more you give yourself time for doing important things, the more you will postpone the opportunities that you had at the moment because there actually were some opportunities. Not seeing them doesn’t mean there that they do not exist. The fact is that opportunities are everywhere, and everything is an opportunity, not to say “everything is the opportunity”.
Furthermore, not training your eyes to see these opportunities now is training them to miss them later on. They will not disappear but you won’t just see them because you haven’t trained your brain and eyes for it then. So just learn to carefully watch around and look. The moment for doing it is now, not tomorrow, regardless of what you have or don’t have at the moment.

Time is Life and Life is Chance.
Credit image: Pixabay

Time is Life and Life is Chance.
It is today that you are alive with all these opportunities at the top of your fingers. Tomorrow… no one knows who it belongs to.
Now, have you ever projected yourself in the future? From this projected future, what would you advise yourself today concerning your current situation? I have done this exercise. And from my projected future, my current realizations were terribly delayed for the upper reasons, as well as for some silly but human other ones. That is why I decided to sit on my fears and to go ahead and try, just for fun, just to see. Because even for fun, at least something was moving forward, and at least I had something to write about my life story if I wanted to.
But you don’t even have to do this exercise. If you have lost some people that were dear to you in an unpredictable way, you directly can measure all the meaning of what “time” and “chances” really are.
So, as long as you have this time in your hands and this opportunity to think and to do things, you still have the chance to re-write your life- story.
So build what you can as fast and as long as you can and with the ones that are important to you when you still have the chance to do so. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

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