lundi 31 juillet 2017

Synchronicity is these answers to what we deeply ask for.

“Ask and you will receive, knock and the door will be opened to you” are not only words that are taught in the Sunday, Saturday, Friday or whatever day of the week schools. These are a true reality. And the more you begin to understand this process of causality between asking, wishing and receiving, the more you will understand the apparently inexistent causality in some cases that we do call coincidence.
The scientific attempt to explain what coincidence really is, is called “Synchronicity”. This term was apparently first introduced by Carl Jung in the 20s, though some other scientist tried to explain this concept before him, like this zoologist who explained the occurrence of coincidences by a sort of repetitive cycle of situations destined to “gather identical things and people”.
On his side, Carl Jung studied and explained this as the result of some occurring events that first seem unrelated in terms of causality and that can’t be explained, at least with the existing means. Yet, there is an apparent simultaneity between the events in the sense that they seem to have a identical purpose.

Synchronicity is a result of the Natural Life Process.
In the word synchronicity, there are the Greek roots sun (with) and khronos (times), which then give a better idea of what coincidence are made of: gathering and time. But here is the Cambridge dictionary definition of synchronicity: the happening by chance of two or more related or similar events at the same time. And another non-sourced definition:  simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Synchronicity is the result of the Natural Life Process.
Credit image: Pixabay.

James Redfield, author of the Celestine prophecy, dig deep into this concept as well, giving it a spiritual dimension, and relating it to an earthly mission that each individual is meant to achieve. In his definition of this concept, synchronicity is nothing but a Universal sent guide to lead to the fulfillment of this mission.
In a more pragmatic version, you have a Natural Life Process made out of cycles, vibrations, particles. This Natural Life Cycle is also made out of causality and of certain complementarily. In this purpose, you have a billion of complementary existing situations and things and thoughts: female and male, light and darkness, cold and heat … as well as need and the existence of what might match this need in the nature.  This Natural Life Process is also made out of logics but most of all it is made out of common sense. This is why when a living being is hungry, it looks for food, when the climate is too hot or too cold, it looks for a warmer or cooler environment, and the example of this kind are numerous. And no matter how human beings try to complicate it over centuries through deep philosophical, religious or conceptual approaches, this Natural Life Process has always been, is and will always be of the purest and most implacable logic and common sense. In its very basic approach, whatever you need or look for naturally has its answer somewhere in the nature and in the Universe.

Universe helps those who help themselves.
But now, in the basic common sense which composes this Natural Life Process, there is the concept of efforts. In this concept we all as living beings, have our own efforts to make before getting or receiving what we are looking for. It is when you go shopping to get the food that you will need in the coming hours or when you stand up and go to the kitchen to feed yourself. This is also when some animals are hibernating or flying on hundred miles to for hotter climate.
If the Universe has the answer to any question and some proposals of realization to some quests, these are our parts of efforts that it will never do in our place. In this optic, as far as our earthly mission and personal goals are concerned, our efforts consist is first identifying the nature of our mission (mainly what we are meant to do, to become and to bring to humanity through a personal, social or professional way) and second, it consists in thinking about the strategy to fulfill it. There is a third and important step which consists in “doing-as-if”. None of these three capital steps is more important than the other one, but actually the “doing-as-if” step is the one that triggers all the rest. It is the step which gives the signal to our brain that it is now time to open the doors towards what we looked for and to move into higher gear.
All the rest is the Universe’s part. There still are to in-between personal efforts we need to provide though: 1) learning to read the signs and 2) seizing the opportunity that the signs tried to bring us.

This is the triggering step because in doing-as-if, you symbolically tell your brain that you are stepping in. No matter if it is not for real, the brain doesn’t really make the difference. When it sees that something engaged towards one direction, its works is to execute it fully with all the possible means existing. And this is where both your brain (the two hemispheres) and the Universe work on together, your brain as the Executive Manager looking for the tools, the ways and the means, and the Universe, as a giant resource of it all, sends you back through your brain, through your feelings and intuition, the direction and the indications. Now, there is something additional besides this that the Universe is sending, and this is what we call coincidences.
Now, I say Universe when it could be God, Allah, Krishna or any other Supreme Universal Power you are in deep accordance and connection with.
Actually, to say it in the shortest way, coincidences are the result of a deep conscious or unconscious question or request. These are more than simple signs. Coincidences often make us feel somewhat of deeply troubled at the moment. These are the moment we should ask ourselves what do this coincidences answer to, what is the message it gives us. Now, being aware of this fact is not enough.

Coincidences are the result of a deep conscious or unconscious quest.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Little aside concerning dreams and coincidence.
Now, I am a big sleeper, hence a big dreamer. And I dream of people I know and of people I don’t know (when my brain plays it scenarist). I have dreamt of situations I lived and of some I never did. And I always find it exciting when waking up, to understand the meanings of these dreams I made. By the way, know that the dreams also are a mean for your brain to show you an indication, to bring you some answers or to catch your attention on something. It is one of the available communication means of your brain when it tries to communicate with you, believe it or not.
Now, making premonitory (which is my case) are not what explain the coincidences, at least I do not think so. For instance, there are sometimes when the dreams I make about some people seem so real than when waking up, I have the impression to just really come out of the situation I just dreamt of. And these dreams often stay in my mind for days. There are times when, the dreams are so obsessing during the day that I often plan to call the concerned person... depending on the relationship I have with the person, I might call immediately or later, knowing that sometimes calling someone (especially from the opposite sex and especially if this is someone I am not necessarily in close relationship with) to inform them that you dreamt of them, might have the embarrassing consequences that you guess. But what happens is that sooner or later and in a way or another, I get in contact with them in the coming days. And then the dreams I made about them make perfect sense. It was either because something had happened in the period I dream of them, or because there was something I needed to know about them in a certain way. And this “something” was often related to my personal goals or questions.
Now is it necessary to make the difference between the person in your dream as the person s/he is in the real life, with something about her/his evolvement or situation that is related to your inner quest, and between the person in your dreams which represent or symbolize something to you. I guess the difference is in the way you feel when awakening up, but you actually feel the difference.

Synchronicity: how it works.

Synchronicity requires a certain deep connection to oneself and to nature.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Well, I am tempted to say that everything around us actually is synchronicity. I am deeply convinced that besides the “surprising” coincidences, there always is in each discussion, fact, situation, email, book, whatever, a sign, an indication towards our personal goals which might not be as troubling as coincidence as we know it, but which is anyway meant to give us an indication. Our deep desires and wishes are linked to a place, to some people to some situations and there a millions way to get there and to reach these people. Coincidences as we know it are only a few parts of them.
Now, note that when discussing or hearing successful or important people telling the way they began their business, adventure or story, there always are some situations of coincidence, be it in the choice of the direction or in the people they closely were in interaction with.
How does it work? Well, it works in the simplest possible way. When you have a deep quest concerning something in your life, and when you “clear” your mind enough to make room for the coming answers and indications, they come in various forms including synchronicity.
This is magic and terrific to the point that when it happens, one often takes some seconds to consider the possibility of what has happened. It might be people that you meet “by chance”, occasions, situations, etc. which all are linked in a way or another to your inner quest.
What happens next is that you need to take the contact with these situations. For instance, if it is someone, no matter how important s/he might be in your opinion, synchronicity made you meet her/him for your reasons, so go beyond your fears and hesitations. If it is someone you dreamt of, give them a little call even just to take some news from them.
But the rule N°1 is to go to the edge of the coincidence and to deeply understand the meaning of this situation in your personal life. To what state of mind does this situation bring you back to? What does it mean according to its evolvement in the real life? Who are these people you met by coincidence? What are they or what do they represent to you. What symbols do they have as far as your inner goals are concerned, etc.?
But know that since there are some notions of gathering and time in the concept of synchronicity, these moments are some vehicles to bring you back some choices and information concerning your life and future. And I say bring back because since Life is about cycles, there already were some previous related or similar situations that you missed as signs before. And following the deepness of your quest and the availability of your brain that you give to it, you might whether see more and more of them or not at all if you just don’t give to the events the mind availability that they require.
The mind availability is here very important in the deal recognizing and understanding the messages requires a very deep inner connection.   
So learn to free your mind from whatever is not connection to the nature. Take some regular time to keep anchored to your immediate environment without going further than what your body feels, sees and smells at the present moment. Remember that communicating with the nature (which makes you the gift of synchronicity) is giving it attention (the same way you would do with a person). And giving it attention is nothing but fully living the present time. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

vendredi 28 juillet 2017

Give people value, not power. This is how we will build a better world for our children.

The conquest for power seems to be more than ever a sort of challenge for many. Power has taken a extra dimension that even overrides the rest to the point that we sometimes have his odd impression that power has become a sort of universal supreme value that gives to the ones who gets it, the right to act on the world and on their congeners with a sort of legitimacy. Of course that is what power is for in some way, and without power, leading teams, companies or countries would be somewhat of a tremendous work because of this human need of being guided by someone who has a cleared vision and who knows things better than him. At least this is the general opinion which I must say I do not agree with since if all humans were given the value they had and recognized as such, they would not need any supreme supervisor or leader (among the human, not in terms of higher dimension). There are in this world some communities building their life and their development without a Chief. Their functioning is based on a synergy of each one’s competences, responsibilities and needs. But this is not the point.

The point is about how to deal with people we are in interaction with in order to set allow a real development based on sane relationship.

The point is about energy.
Now, I have been part of those people who considered the talks and explanations upon energy, as somewhat of esotericism. Esotericism being then in my mind a sort of strange things that rich idle housewives were talking about between two yoga sequences, at the loss to say clever things (I deeply apologize for this by the way since this is nothing about not knowing what to talk about and nothing about idleness but really about awareness and consciousness). 
And when I began to ask myself some pointed questions about how the universe worked, how God worked and how the little me (as well as the other little humans) could ever get in interaction with this vast unconscionable emptiness which seemed to be the source of a limitless power, I began to tell myself that maybe this energy thing wasn’t not just a sitting-room conversation after all.
Universe is a vast energy source, composed of unthinkable kinds of energies that all have their precise function. And as part of this universe we do, as any other living and non-living components existing on earth, have our own fields of energy which can vary according to our activities, our mindset, our beliefs, our environment, our life choices, etc.
If you were like me, considering this as romantic version of life, you should knock to science door and see how quantum physics and neuroscience explain it. These are two really interesting areas of science that you should begin to feed your mind with in order to see, to understand, to feel and to do things differently. As far as I am concerned, though I do not know much about quantum physics and neuroscience, their application in life, success and mindset are believe-me, really worthwhile to the point that I have developed for these two fields a real passion and interest. To rapidly illustrate it, they are the pragmatic and realistic side of spirituality. And though at first sight spirituality seems to be at the opposite edge of science, believe-me there is a lot in common in the two and I even think that a complete consciousness and awareness involves both spirituality and science.

But I have gone astray from the main point which actually was about the fact what energy had to do with power and value.

Power is grabbing energy, value is giving some.
OK, this might seem somewhat of a simplistic version of it but is illustrates it though perfectly.

Giving value to someone is giving love, importance and respect.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Now, do you have the slightest idea about this general (and I said general) negative, contemptuous feeling for be-interesting, bling-bling or attention-grasping people? Well, because grasping attention is, depending on the way it is done, grasping energy from people. Again, to illustrate it, grasping energy from someone is taking this energy by force, the same one a thief would take something from you by force. And believe-me, nobody likes this. And you guess that is not this much about the quantity of what has been taken by force, but the act of taking by force. And this is what power does. It takes energy from people without their full acceptance. And this never leads to respect of the one who has the power. This is why respect doesn’t love power. While value is actually based on respect, on the one we give ourselves and on the one we naturally give other, which leads to a mutual sane exchange on energy, to a mutual understanding and a mutual empowerment. And there only do things begin to make sense.


At work
When your boss or anyone that might be professionally or socially superior to you, imposes you for whatsoever silly excuse some procedures, work or life schedules, clothing, talking or thinking codes… this is power applied to education and to work environment. There will never be anything positive or productive coming out of this, never! There will be fear, willing to please which might lead to some sort of competition that might give an outside impression of productivity but this IS NOT productivity. This is and will always be labor in its full original sense of effort and striving for a living, and unproductiveness, hence, a productivity that will always be lower than the one it would have been if people were doing the same work with a different mindset and a different pleasure. By the way, I need to mention that the actual definition of productivity is wrong and I don’t feel sorry for saying this. The real productivity involves a minimum of pleasure and passion which inevitably lead to a natural empowerment and to a natural feeling of belonging to the entity or to the concerned group.

Whenever your try to please your boss, your chief, your colleagues or partners for whatsoever reason, you do give them power. Whenever you agree and accept things that actually don’t mentally, materially or physically suit you, you do give them even more power. Whenever you are being a sort of brown  nose, calling your superior by their tittles instead of just calling them by their names or with a simple Sir or Madam, you do give them power (a lot of people seem to be doing this for some reasons I just can’t get). President, CEO or Chief is not what is mentioned in their id car or in their passport and there is to this day no law obliging anyone to call someone else by her/his title so there is no need to be more papist than the pope.
The fact is that the more you give them power, the more you withdraw energy from you in their favor.  In short, it is like if the only reason you came out from your mother’s womb was to give these people a little or all of your energy. Is it really what you wish as a life-course? And talking about your mother, take a moment to ask yourself is this is the image and impression you want her or your children to have from you.

At home.
And so does it go in any other context since outside the work frame you might have some people that might be mentally superior to you, like your parents, or inferiour like your children.

Now I have been a victim of this kind of power applied at home… and with the biggest love you can imagine, but this would remain power or ignorance because actually parents do not necessarily know how to deal with their children. And as children grow and get more moral independence, they also get more questions, and more answers… hence, more personal opinions which don’t always match with the education frame that parents wish to raise them in.
My loving, caring and exceptional sweet mother had two main (not to say only) objectives in her life: the natural aim and need of (over) protecting her children from anything and anyone that she would consider as hurtful of dangerous, probably due to the fact that she herself faced danger and difficult situations a numerous time in her life. And the second natural aim was to make her children reach the highest level of existing success. And in each one of her works and decisions, regardless of the manner she would do or say it, I always felt a tremendous and powerful love behind. It was just the means she used for it, that didn’t really fit to my personality and to my conception of life. In terms of choices, mine had to be what she would say they would, and this would concern everything: the diet, the friends, the areas of education I was to chose, for the school I would go to (or not since she finally decided I would do the rest of my higher education class at home), the hair dress, the clothing, the religion, etc.
Again, this was love all the way. This was meant to protect me from the outside dangerous world and to shape me for success. But in spite of all the incredible love she put in the business, I ended out years later finally doing what wanted to and being who I wanted to be (neither of them matched with her values and principles).
So parents, love does not always make it all in education. Now education is not precisely my field of competence but I though suggest learning to give your children value and not power in order to empower them more easily and get them do what they are supposed to do by their own will, which is of course, more efficient and productive.
And this will lead them to give you (and your purposes) real consideration and value instead of fear and constraint.

Power is grasping energy from someone. Giving value is giving some to someone.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Now what is giving someone value.
Here is a definition of value from Wikipedia, the only one that eventually could suit to what I am trying to explain (I confess the researches have been done in a quick way): “Value (economics), a measure of the benefit that may be gained from goods or service.”

Actually in economy and business, a value added is that additional worth that a service or a product brings compared to others and compared to its original state, because it has gone through one or more steps of transformation. We thus can say that transformation is a main factor to value.

At a personal level, giving value to someone is giving her/him importance, accepting who s/he entirely is with her/his mind, moral and physical abilities and weakness. Hence is it respecting the person s/he is, and considering her/his opinions, aims, potential and mindset to its full value.

In a professional context it could be giving to colleagues and superior the value they really have (instead of giving them a statutes they claim to deserve), giving a full consideration to their work, to their prerogatives and to their opinion. But most of all it is looking at them as the human they are behind their professional etiquette and giving them willingly through our attitude, look, words and smile a little bit of warmth and energy. This is respect. And this is something neither money nor power can ever generate.

In a familial or personal context, giving children value and raising them in this functioning, is exactly the same thing. Children are very clever human beings and not some sorts of dollies unable to understand “adults discussion”. Children and teenagers can understand anything you tell them as long as you take the time, the energy and the attention to do it properly and to answer to the questions they may have about this. When children understand something, as long as they feel involved in the business, no matter how they like or dislike it, they will do it because they feel empowered to do it.

Raising children in the respect of their value is building them a better world for tomorrow.
Credit image: Pixabay.

When you give them this full human statute that they actually have (regardless of their age), with a mind which can understand and reason and with a heart which can feel things, you just also empower them to be the kind of futures adults our planet lacks. And that is respectful (of people and of the environment) and responsible citizens, who because you kept them connected to a Natural Life Process, will have developed a mindset focused on love and construction.
And this is where, as parents, you play a major role to the construction of what your children’s world will be tomorrow. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Reach the highest in getting rid of culpablity.

If we had the slightest idea of what we actually miss as opportunities because of culpability, I think we would manage stopping feeling guilty for nothing.

Yet only a few of us are conscious of this culpability that weighs on us and that stops us from reaching and achieving what we meant to. Unlikely joy, anger or even shame, fear or anxiety, the feeling of guilt is insidious and thus, not easily identified. Hence, it is harder to isolate and to treat. 

As a comparison, a lot of Doctors say that diabetes is among the worse diseases that exist because it used to begin its invasion in the most unpredictable and unseen ways, and the person doesn’t even know s/he has it until the day the diabetes triggers some other disease that gets hard to release precisely because of the diabetes statute. It seems that a lot of apparent diseases are nothing but a sort of manifestation of the diabetes. And the terrible thing with diabetes is that people suffering from diabetes live with it all their lives. Of course there are many other diseases that some people live with all their lives, and correctly monitored and checked diabetes allows to live a life as normal as possible. But crisis resulting from neglected or uncontrolled diabetes, contributes to significantly reduce the lifetime of the patient.

Culpability is mental diabetes. It comes sneakily and you can’t even name nor describe it properly when you go through it. But it alters your choices and decisions as well as your way of living. It is something that predator-minded people use to destroy their prey without the later even understanding what is happening. And even when they do, when culpability has gone too deep, there is this sort of mental incapacity that hinders any liberation attempt. It often takes a long time before the victims of this kind of people succeed to escape from the clutches of their predators.

But one thing to understand with culpability is that though it has been sown by an external mean (mainly brought through education), like any other mental or wrong belief, the concerned person is the only one who can break it down.

What is culpability?

Now there is like everything in life, a good and a bad side to 
There is a positive culpability (as long as you accept to consider 
it as positive) and the negative silent one.
Concerning the positive culpability a French social psychologist 
described it as follows: “Guilt is an unpleasant emotional 
experience, characterized by a feeling of tension, of anxiety
and agitation".
This is the conscious kind of guilt, the one that pushes us to avoid repeating some hurting or bad actions. In some ways, this allows a certain intelligent social interaction.

The negative culpability, the one I am referring to in this article, is the unconscious one which, because you can neither feel nor describe it properly, is thus dangerous, not only for our mental health bur for our physical one as well (though I won’t detail this here for the moment, lacking evidences concerning cancer cases closely related to this unconscious culpability).
All the way through this silent roommate closes our eyes to opportunities, keeps our minds away from common sense and puts our soul down. This negative culpability is made out of incapacitating beliefs strongly anchored in our minds concerning ourselves, what should be our “social” position, what we are allowed or not to do, what we are allowed to be and to not be. These beliefs often include wrong life axioms such as “life is sufferance”, “it is selfish to care about oneself”, “money is dirty”, “a moment of happiness indefectibly will call some moments of pain”, “success is only meant for others”, etc.

This silent culpability (mostly shaped from childhood and from some life experiences that confirm the beliefs because of the mindset focused on it), is thus about what we think we deserve as individuals, what is meant for us and what is not.  This is the reason for which some people will unconsciously remain in some insane relationships, in some unpleasant jobs and situations, striving all their lives for a pitiful existence because they will unconsciously believe that this is what they deserve as a life.  And I stress on unconsciously because in a conscious way, these people will indeed look for all the possible ways to make their lives better.

Rebooting one's brain until it gets back pure again, free from culpability.
Credit image: Pixabay.

It all is about what you think you deserve.

Now, in a mathematical and logical Life Natural Process, what you think you deserve naturally comes to you. What you think you don’t deserve won’t disappear (though you attract what you think of be it from a negative or positive point of view); but you simply won’t see it because your belief would just hinder your vision. And even if you can see it, your vision would still be hindered (because that is what negative believes do, they hinder our vision) and thus you would take the wrong way, spending useless time and energy doing things that you think can take you to where you want to, while actually this would just take you anywhere but there.
To explain it in another way, just imagine a baby or a pet requiring the best cares (babies and cats are keen at this aren’t they?). We adults have our connection hindered by a thousand things which include our beliefs, but babies and animals are still mentally clean and connected to the Natural Life Process. Hence they will use all their existing means to get what they think they deserve, because they are convinced to deserve it in respect of a natural and normal state we all are called to reach, and believe me they will get these things they are looking for.
But let’s suppose that babies really were concerned with culpability (as some experts say, which I must say I do not agree with at all), what would happen when they will need something? Well, they wouldn’t cry or yell for it as they usually do, looking for attention. They would just silently bear their hunger, their pain or their frustration without bothering anyone, because assuming that babies are concerned with culpability is assuming that they are concerned with resilience as well (though again, I am not convinced about this). On a long run you guess they either would get badly sick or worst, they could die.

Flush you mind, heart and soul and allow yourself to reach the best.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Notice that people who over fear bothering people are more likely victims of this unconscious culpability, like if they even were sorry to be there. Now, Life and its Natural Process are about a sane balance between one thing and another, so over bothering is as extreme and unnatural than not willing to bother at all.   

Where does it come from?

There are many possible answers to this question, and the main one is of course, that is mainly comes from one’s education and environment. But now we could spend years and centuries trying to understand its original causes in one’s life, what would it bring as a value?

I must say I am not very interested in spending too much time in the past, when the goals to set and to reach are placed forward. Digging in the past in order to understand some mechanisms or origin and context of our inner incapacities, allows managing them in a better way when they happen back. But this should only be to a certain extend. And though psychotherapies as well as psychologies indeed do a very good job in the matter using as much and as many modern tools as possible, there normally should be a limit for going backward.

So, once you get a global understanding of the initial causes and origins of your culpability feeling (which could take a week or a 100), the wisdom is rather to spend your energy on how to get rid of it. And this is where psychology and psychotherapy, together with neuroscience and neuropsychology (can) do miracles. But any one at an own level, with a strong determination and a real curiosity and openness, can begin this work on oneself.

Living without culpability?

This is a rather huge and complex process that I would suggest to have it done with the help of experienced and competent people. But this doesn’t stop you to begin it with a certain work on yourself.

It terms of work on oneself (which is suggested regardless of whether or not you will require an external mentoring or support), the first step consists in a deep introspection work, identifying the feeling of culpability (a posteriori to begin with, and then in real time), the same way you would do with any other kind of mental issues like anguish, fear, jealousy, etc. Once this isclearly identified, you can learn to isolate and to deconstruct it in order to be able to name and to describe it properly.

Then, because culpability is closely related to wrong action we have done for real or in our imagination, one of the essential steps to get free from it is to forgive yourself totally, from what you may have done and from what you think you may have done. But you need to give yourself this forgiveness that will free you up. This will also allow you to be able to love and to forgive others as well, but the most important person who needs this freedom is the one that hosts your brain, your heart and your soul.

Now, because the universe and our unconscious part speak in symbols, the way you can communicate with them is also through symbols. There are thousands of them. Some people will bury some symbols of their past, of their sufferance, while others will face it differently, through an open talk, in joining some groups, etc. Each decision here is personal and related to what makes one most comfortable with.

And remember:

...that you deserve the very best!
Credit image: Pixabay

You have the right to think, to say and to do what makes you feel comfortable with, as long as this is done in the respect of the people’s opinion and rights around you. And you have the right to become absolutely who you dreamed of, this is respecting the person that you are and the dreams that you have.

BUT, if reaching your goals, your dreams and your wishes doesn’t fit with your environment, then LEAVE IT! You are too much worthy as a person to make to your environment the gift of your dreams.

You are not bothering anyone else but you! Fearing to bother people too much is producing the opposite result. People are not at ease with someone who is not at ease with her/himself.

You are what you fill your feelings and thoughts with. If you want to be free from culpability and to allow yourself to reach what you fully deserve, you need to work on your feelings and thoughts. This is a fight between you and yourself. But this is a necessary fight and if you can manage to feel excited and pleased in making the right YOU win over the borrowed one, you can acheive the highest goals.
And here again, introspection is a major step because this requires a big inner change that YOU are the only one responsible of. You might call for external help but you will be the only one able to shake your life up, not anyone else.

You are NOT responsible of what happens in the world, in your family, in your group or in your company. The only one you are responsible of is yourself. So since this is the only field you can impact on, start working on it now.

You deserve absolutely everything you dream of, as long as again, this remains sane for you and for your surrounding environment. There is NO limitation to this except the ones that you set yourself. The normal human state is to live fully healthy and successful. Do not let your thoughts and people deprive you from what is destined to you. Do not allow it to belong to someone else, just manage to reach it.©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

mardi 25 juillet 2017


Etrange mécanismes et curieux scénarii,
D’histoires interrompues, locataires d‘une vie,
De voix qui hier encore, claironnaient entre rires,
Ne résonnant plus guère que dans nos souvenirs.

Inattendus parcours de quêtes inachevées,
Qui par un destin sourd, un beau jour arrêtés.
D’énergies et d’espoirs, d’émotions et de danses,
Sans préavis, sans pauses, réduites au silence.

Que l’on geigne ou l’on pleure, qu’on rage ou philosophe,
Qu’est-ce qu’un destin au fond, qu’une note, une apostrophe,
Des virgules d’amour et puis un point final.
Des sourires qui s’éteignent, des absences qui font mal.

Credit image: Pixabay.

Gouffres d’amour sans fond et désarrois soudains,
Des stupeurs sans nom et des questions sans fin,
Des poitrines qui respirent un air abandonné
Par ces êtres partis, ces gens qu’on a aimés.

Puis parce que le temps passe et qu’il faut bien marcher,
Parcequ’il faut bien grandir, construire et avancer,
Et puis remplir le vide des êtres aimés qui restent,
Par un amour plus fort que le destin funeste.

Si je ne sais faucheuse, comment tu auditionnes,
Si tu procèdes au tri par dates ou par colonne,
Tu les as pris sans doute, mais pas tant que cela,
Tu n’auras que leur souffle, leur amour est à moi.

Et parceque mon parcours est plus fort que tes tris,
Je le souhaite riche, épanoui et rempli,
Intense et achevé de mes rêves et projets,
De leurs bras à mon cou pour des dizaines d’années.

Je leur dirai d’aimer et rire plus fort que tout,
Leur montrerai comment vivre une vie jusqu’au bout,
La mort ne nous est finalement utile qu’en ceci,

Faire doublement attention aux choses de la vie ! 

Extrait de "De vous à moi.", Cornélia ANDRIAMASY

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

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In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
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