mardi 27 juin 2017

How Luck works!

You may be among those who have noticed this strange luck and chance balance in life. And probably you are among the lucky ones having this chance to shape your life according to your wishes and goals. Or maybe not. In any case, know that the chance is not distributed to a handful of lucky ones, but actually to everyone. It is just a question of how we see it or not, and about how we seize it or not.

We ARE meant to achieve our dreams. It is a question of common sense!

In a lot of religions, mostly in the Christian ones, they talk about “knocking to get doors opened”, or “asking in order to receive”. And now actually, regardless of religious matter, for what dam… reason should we not simply receive what we are asking for? Of what use are our dreams to God, to Buddha, to the Universe that they would still hold them away from us? The answer is that nobody withholds whatsoever from whomever.

Now just imagine the Universe as a huge call center receiving personal calls at any times of the day, with requests to answer and dreams to fulfill. These dreams are ours. And to each one of our dreams, there is a realization hanging on somewhere, waiting to get a correspondence, awaiting to get concretized.  Though not very passionate about religion, I do not believe the God or the Universe to be cruel or dumb. On the contrary, I suspect their customers service to be particularly attentive and motivated to treat each one of the customer’s requests.

Now from a pragmatic point of view, as human with the consciousness to define our own needs and wishes, we have been given the possibility to ASK or to WISH for something haven’t we? Why? Well, only because there is a logical balance to it, this possibility to also HAVE ACCESS to the ANSWERS or to the CONCRETIZATION of these things that we have been asking for.

Opportunities are not hazardous.  They come from our thoughts.

We create our own opportunities, this is common sense.

This is synchronicity. At least, this is how James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy) names these things that come our way not a very long time after we thought of it or after we have planned something about it or related to it. And this actually makes sense because if logic and common sense actually make it possible to have the questions AND the answers, the wishes AND the concretization of it, how is it that it happens for some and not for some other ones, yet EVERY BODY is concerned by this process? 
There actually are some main reasons (and probably a billion other ones but these are the main ones) explaining the bug in the achievement and success system:

It is just simply due to:
1-      an improper way of formulating things,
2-    and incorrect way of seeing things,
3-    a way hindered by things that we stupidly think we can bear on our own,
4-    lack of belief and faith.

a-  Formulating properly.
Normally formulating something should be a simple communication issue.
When writing this article, I went downstairs for a while and when trying to come back up, I waited in front of the elevator, noticing the lift was at level “0”, but not understanding why the doors wouldn’t open. Thinking of a technical issue (it sometimes happens), I moved to the next elevator and waited for the second one to open its doors. While waiting, a group of four men came next to me waiting for the elevator too (actually the two elevator are next to one another but the button is the same for both), kindly looked at me like if I was somewhat of a mentally retarded, pressed on the button calling for the elevator. And guess what? The first elevator one at level “0” simply opened its doors, allowing me to innocently slip into it.

The Universe, God, Allah,… but most of all our brains, need a simple understandable command. Or else you might just as well wait for years in front of the elevator seeing the level “0”, watching people come in and come out to their destination. Sincerely hoping for something to happen in your life while you are not able to formulate it properly, is as stupid as going from one elevator to another without pressing the button, only hoping for it to open its doors simply because you are just in front of it!

Now, going back to the example of the giant call center, whatever your prettiness, your hurry, you anguish or your anger, the interceptor will never be in a position to give you the answer you are waiting for or to convey you the person you are looking for, if the way you formulate your demand is not clear enough.

In terms of life goals, some just write it down in a sort of symbolic letter, others just write it fifteen times a day, while others would just faithfully pray for it. Whatever the means you use for it, there is one condition required to make it work. It might be a vision, an objective, a mean, in all cases it has to be as precise as possible in terms of facts (numbers, destination, period, quality, quantity, etc.), emotions and request.

b-   Seeing correctly.
Now, when “formulating” a deep wish or asking for a request, your whole body gest prepared to get the answer. Just the same way your eyes and ears get alert when trying to find your way in an unknown place, watching for any indication that could be useful enough to lead you to the destination.

Now, things happen in a way that we only notice these things that “talk” to us. For instance, I never noticed as much cars been driven by people learning to drive, than when I learnt to drive a car myself. These learning drivers seemed to suddenly come out of nowhere like pfffioouuf!, in just a couple of weeks!! I neither noticed as much pregnant women in the streets and anywhere else than during this period I was pregnant myself! And the list could go on and on with hundred of these things that I had never noticed until I deeply thought of it or until I lived it myself at the moment.

It is not that I didn’t “see” these things, people or situation. It is just that I didn’t “notice” them at the moment. They WERE there but I just never paid much attention to it because no part of my body was then dedicated to pay it attention. Until the day some of them did and called the other ones of my whole being for the special event occurring just the way you call your mummy or best friend to run to watch at their favorite singer/film/documentary on TV.

After these two steps, there normally should be some signs and occurrence of certain things that match or lead to your destination. What happens is that often, at this stage of the process, a lot of signs are still not understood. Not because they are hard to understand, but probably because the way to get to this understanding was still hindered by an inner traffic jam.

c-    Clean (make) the way.

Going back to the example of the giant call center, there actually are many parameters hindering the quality of a communication since formulating properly and keeping alert are not all.

The message needs to make its way to the receiver. This essentially requires freeing ourselves from hindering emotions, especially from fear, anguish and doubt. These are parasites emotions sucking all inner energy. Identify them as soon as you feel them coming, isolate them and just yell them as strongly as you can in a clear mental or vocal “Get away!”.
Now, right after these three parasite emotion come the worries. There is no way you could ever clear you way through if you persist to carry all of your worries on your shoulders by you own. You will ALWAYS make some big pieces fall down and hinder back the way again.

But once the way is cleared and the line is decongested, not only can your thoughts be intercepted more easily, but most of all, you will have the ability to notice the signs. I would even say that when totally cleansed from these parasites hindering parameters, we can see EVERYTHING as a sign, thus everything as an opportunity.

The signs are not as exeptionnal as we wish them to be. They often are just under our very eyes.

d-   Faith and belief.

Now, how can we know that the opportunities we see are the right ones? How can we be so sure that we are not just heading straight for disaster with these things that we interpreted as signs? Maybe they just weren’t some after all?

These are NOT clever questions. These are dangerous ones.  The ones dictated by fear and doubt actually, the ones that can destroy a life project and efforts with only simple questions of this kind.

You gave the lead to your brain, to God or to the Universe. Don’t take it back.  

Now for certain, you NEED to measure certain risks in life and in the choices that you make, since we are talking about doing things cleverly and not naively. But Life, and most of all Success, is not about making the best choices in life. It is about making a choice that you will assume and consider as the best one whatever may.

Furthermore, this is the stage when our inner GPS called intuition become more sensitive. Plug it in!  Get all of your senses alert and simply  get connected to these coincidences, to this synchronicity and to these signs which are leading you to where you are meant to be.

No matter how the road looks like, no matter if it sometimes looks like a trap with none of the immediate answers to your questions or if it takes more time than what you initially thaught it would, the more you faithfully stick to it, the best the unexpected positive results.

At this stage just let go, it already happens! The gates are opened and the positive change IS IN ACTION!  Just relax, wait and smile. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar


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