jeudi 29 juin 2017

Go to the extreme edge of possibility. If you thought of it, it's because it is worth it.


I once presented a self-defense security gadget in a start-up contest some years ago. It was a super innovative project that I wished to develop with all the energy that I had, believing in the utility and in the promised success of this gadget, and hence mobilizing almost all my life on it.

I actually won the contest. It was an honorific victory though, which was not so bad actually, but this didn’t financially help me to develop the project the way I meant it to. I must say that, like many others, I then thought that the financing would make it all. I was convinced that only consequent funding could give life to the project and make this leading-edge product exist on the market for real.

Why you should balance the external resources with your inner resources.
Like many other young project holders, I put the bet on some external resources (such as material, financial, partners, etc.), underestimating my inner ones which actually were THE things that would have made the difference. This mindset was prejudicial to me, the same way it is prejudicial to many others who persist to count on others and on external factors to reach their goals. Hence, at the first life test concerning the project, I dropped out.

And what happened is that this project that I thought to be unique, special and pioneering (it actually was), has been exploited elsewhere in the world under some other formats (not including mine, fortunately), with some other resources.

Whatever thoughts you emit, they are sent in the universe. Do not let someone else catch it and realize it for you.

Having the product now existing on the market and seeing the same or almost the same idea being valorized by some other people is not the point. Since my brain is, let’s say roughly functional, I still can come back on this project (and I actually will one day), and give it another personal touch in order to keep it innovative. So this is not really a big deal.

Cling to it with the same conviction and energy that you mobilized to conceive it.
The big deal is that I didn’t cling on enough to my dream. I actually overestimated my capacities in convincing myself about the huge success of the project, with my perception of it at the moment being somewhat of a romantic rather than pragmatic. Yet ironically, I really underestimated myself in the sense that a more warrior-mindset project-holder would probably have touched, tested, turned, returned, destroyed, rearranged and then spliced back the project in order to make it rocket up with limited means but with a huge vision. 

I have no regret about this since again, I can take this project back at the point I left it, learning to balance a better way this internal and external resource aspect.

It was meant to exist so just Make It Happen!
But, since there are too many similar cases of dropping out, the big lesson to get from this is:

“When you have something in mind in terms of projects, dreams or goals: whatever the state of advancement, the existent or inexistent means, the pretended capacity of your engineer-associate, or the time required to make it realized, … JUST DO IT! LEAD THE PROJECT TO ITS END. AND MAKE IT HAPPEN !”
Remember all the way that if you thought of it, if you mobilized all of this time, material and financial means on it, if you spent some energy discussing over it with some others, it simply is because IT IS WORTH IT!  At a certain stage of your reflexions and observations, you realized that this product or service met some specific needs. And, from another less Cartesian spirit point of view, if you thought of this product or service, it simply is because this product or service was MEANT TO EXIST! So again, just MAKE IT HAPPEN!

 Do not let other people do it for you.

Be the one launching AND catching the ball!

Once more the Natural Life Process (which is the reflection of a moving Nature) is in action. And this Natural Life Process (which is made of an infinity of processes, movements and cycles), is such that in respect to it, WHATEVER COMES OUT FROM SOMETHING NECESSARILY LANDS SOMEWHERE. Hence, while drafting, conceiving and talking about your project, you emit something that could either be energy, vibrations or anything alike. If thus you are not the direct captor of these waves (which logically should be the case), energy or whatever the name you will give it, some other people in some other places of the globe will capture it in your place. Just as if you were launching your tennis ball against the wall, waiting to get it back but since you spent too much time calculating the external factor like the angles, the power of the shot, the frequency of the bounces, etc. another person came and catched what was supposed to be your” ball’’,.and just goes away with it!

Learn the rhythm and master the process.
So this is what the Natural Life Process looks like! It looks like these ions in a permanent moving dynamic. You can whether wait for this dynamic to cease and get more stabilized (when there will be no more energy to boost it), or just learn to anticipate, to react as soon as possible and to learn to understand and to follow its rhythm, the same way a torero learns to master the move of its bull (how I hate this image actually!).

But then again, whatever your choice, if the project is this important to you to the point that it made you mobilize the whole part of your life, better go to the edge of your efforts.

Because for certain, it is worth it!. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional mentoring accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or productivity goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

mardi 27 juin 2017

How Luck works!

You may be among those who have noticed this strange luck and chance balance in life. And probably you are among the lucky ones having this chance to shape your life according to your wishes and goals. Or maybe not. In any case, know that the chance is not distributed to a handful of lucky ones, but actually to everyone. It is just a question of how we see it or not, and about how we seize it or not.

We ARE meant to achieve our dreams. It is a question of common sense!

In a lot of religions, mostly in the Christian ones, they talk about “knocking to get doors opened”, or “asking in order to receive”. And now actually, regardless of religious matter, for what dam… reason should we not simply receive what we are asking for? Of what use are our dreams to God, to Buddha, to the Universe that they would still hold them away from us? The answer is that nobody withholds whatsoever from whomever.

Now just imagine the Universe as a huge call center receiving personal calls at any times of the day, with requests to answer and dreams to fulfill. These dreams are ours. And to each one of our dreams, there is a realization hanging on somewhere, waiting to get a correspondence, awaiting to get concretized.  Though not very passionate about religion, I do not believe the God or the Universe to be cruel or dumb. On the contrary, I suspect their customers service to be particularly attentive and motivated to treat each one of the customer’s requests.

Now from a pragmatic point of view, as human with the consciousness to define our own needs and wishes, we have been given the possibility to ASK or to WISH for something haven’t we? Why? Well, only because there is a logical balance to it, this possibility to also HAVE ACCESS to the ANSWERS or to the CONCRETIZATION of these things that we have been asking for.

Opportunities are not hazardous.  They come from our thoughts.

We create our own opportunities, this is common sense.

This is synchronicity. At least, this is how James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy) names these things that come our way not a very long time after we thought of it or after we have planned something about it or related to it. And this actually makes sense because if logic and common sense actually make it possible to have the questions AND the answers, the wishes AND the concretization of it, how is it that it happens for some and not for some other ones, yet EVERY BODY is concerned by this process? 
There actually are some main reasons (and probably a billion other ones but these are the main ones) explaining the bug in the achievement and success system:

It is just simply due to:
1-      an improper way of formulating things,
2-    and incorrect way of seeing things,
3-    a way hindered by things that we stupidly think we can bear on our own,
4-    lack of belief and faith.

a-  Formulating properly.
Normally formulating something should be a simple communication issue.
When writing this article, I went downstairs for a while and when trying to come back up, I waited in front of the elevator, noticing the lift was at level “0”, but not understanding why the doors wouldn’t open. Thinking of a technical issue (it sometimes happens), I moved to the next elevator and waited for the second one to open its doors. While waiting, a group of four men came next to me waiting for the elevator too (actually the two elevator are next to one another but the button is the same for both), kindly looked at me like if I was somewhat of a mentally retarded, pressed on the button calling for the elevator. And guess what? The first elevator one at level “0” simply opened its doors, allowing me to innocently slip into it.

The Universe, God, Allah,… but most of all our brains, need a simple understandable command. Or else you might just as well wait for years in front of the elevator seeing the level “0”, watching people come in and come out to their destination. Sincerely hoping for something to happen in your life while you are not able to formulate it properly, is as stupid as going from one elevator to another without pressing the button, only hoping for it to open its doors simply because you are just in front of it!

Now, going back to the example of the giant call center, whatever your prettiness, your hurry, you anguish or your anger, the interceptor will never be in a position to give you the answer you are waiting for or to convey you the person you are looking for, if the way you formulate your demand is not clear enough.

In terms of life goals, some just write it down in a sort of symbolic letter, others just write it fifteen times a day, while others would just faithfully pray for it. Whatever the means you use for it, there is one condition required to make it work. It might be a vision, an objective, a mean, in all cases it has to be as precise as possible in terms of facts (numbers, destination, period, quality, quantity, etc.), emotions and request.

b-   Seeing correctly.
Now, when “formulating” a deep wish or asking for a request, your whole body gest prepared to get the answer. Just the same way your eyes and ears get alert when trying to find your way in an unknown place, watching for any indication that could be useful enough to lead you to the destination.

Now, things happen in a way that we only notice these things that “talk” to us. For instance, I never noticed as much cars been driven by people learning to drive, than when I learnt to drive a car myself. These learning drivers seemed to suddenly come out of nowhere like pfffioouuf!, in just a couple of weeks!! I neither noticed as much pregnant women in the streets and anywhere else than during this period I was pregnant myself! And the list could go on and on with hundred of these things that I had never noticed until I deeply thought of it or until I lived it myself at the moment.

It is not that I didn’t “see” these things, people or situation. It is just that I didn’t “notice” them at the moment. They WERE there but I just never paid much attention to it because no part of my body was then dedicated to pay it attention. Until the day some of them did and called the other ones of my whole being for the special event occurring just the way you call your mummy or best friend to run to watch at their favorite singer/film/documentary on TV.

After these two steps, there normally should be some signs and occurrence of certain things that match or lead to your destination. What happens is that often, at this stage of the process, a lot of signs are still not understood. Not because they are hard to understand, but probably because the way to get to this understanding was still hindered by an inner traffic jam.

c-    Clean (make) the way.

Going back to the example of the giant call center, there actually are many parameters hindering the quality of a communication since formulating properly and keeping alert are not all.

The message needs to make its way to the receiver. This essentially requires freeing ourselves from hindering emotions, especially from fear, anguish and doubt. These are parasites emotions sucking all inner energy. Identify them as soon as you feel them coming, isolate them and just yell them as strongly as you can in a clear mental or vocal “Get away!”.
Now, right after these three parasite emotion come the worries. There is no way you could ever clear you way through if you persist to carry all of your worries on your shoulders by you own. You will ALWAYS make some big pieces fall down and hinder back the way again.

But once the way is cleared and the line is decongested, not only can your thoughts be intercepted more easily, but most of all, you will have the ability to notice the signs. I would even say that when totally cleansed from these parasites hindering parameters, we can see EVERYTHING as a sign, thus everything as an opportunity.

The signs are not as exeptionnal as we wish them to be. They often are just under our very eyes.

d-   Faith and belief.

Now, how can we know that the opportunities we see are the right ones? How can we be so sure that we are not just heading straight for disaster with these things that we interpreted as signs? Maybe they just weren’t some after all?

These are NOT clever questions. These are dangerous ones.  The ones dictated by fear and doubt actually, the ones that can destroy a life project and efforts with only simple questions of this kind.

You gave the lead to your brain, to God or to the Universe. Don’t take it back.  

Now for certain, you NEED to measure certain risks in life and in the choices that you make, since we are talking about doing things cleverly and not naively. But Life, and most of all Success, is not about making the best choices in life. It is about making a choice that you will assume and consider as the best one whatever may.

Furthermore, this is the stage when our inner GPS called intuition become more sensitive. Plug it in!  Get all of your senses alert and simply  get connected to these coincidences, to this synchronicity and to these signs which are leading you to where you are meant to be.

No matter how the road looks like, no matter if it sometimes looks like a trap with none of the immediate answers to your questions or if it takes more time than what you initially thaught it would, the more you faithfully stick to it, the best the unexpected positive results.

At this stage just let go, it already happens! The gates are opened and the positive change IS IN ACTION!  Just relax, wait and smile. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar


vendredi 23 juin 2017

Your eyes : your struggles and victories, your life.

 What makes one attractive or not.

I have always wondered since I was a child what parameters could make people decide that someone was cute or ugly. With time going, I have noticed that often the pretended beauty or the ugliness of a person was more related to external factors like the way of clothing or the choice of a hair dressing rather than to the shape of the face itself.

Children’s way of seeing things is still dictated by the pureness of their souls so, as a many other children, I never understood how external factors could make the beauty or the ugliness of a person (I confess that I still don’t though this may not be related to the pureness of my soul anymore but rather to the lack of common sense of this way of thinking).

Now, when growing up as an adolescent, with my soul been already altered by the world’s artificial values, I have heard something even more awkward from adults, and which sounded like: “your beauty comes from the inside”. ??!! Excuse me?? I mean, how on earth could Paul, Mark, Rebecca or Mathilda (factious names, I do not know any of these persons) who genetically and obviously are unappealing could, by their inner values, suddenly look pretty or handsome? This looked for me as without sense as the external factors of beauty.

I also always have tried to understand why and how could one be unsightly and another one so pleasant to look at. I mean, there certainly WAS a non-genetic factor playing in this!

I have noticed, and maybe you will too, that this was nothing about the clothing, the hairdressing or the beard that you wear. And most of all (which is a relief for me actually since I may not consider myself as ugly but I am definitely not pretty either), this also not a question of shape of the face. Ouf!!

And finally, as and when of my questions, observations and life lessons, I understood! Actually, our life stories do make us unsightly or beautiful. And most of all, no matter how this might sound awkward or not, LOVE does make a person beautiful. I mean by love, the love given by the people around us, but also the one that we give ourselves.

Love is what feed our souls, and hearts and also what shapes our faces and our glaze.

Love is all!

And this is what it is all about!

Our Eyes bring in their glazes, our life story, which according to the cases make us unpleasant to look at or cute looking.

Have you ever seen people looking so tired that they almost looked like junkies? Or have you ever seen people so sure of themselves that they immediately looked so nice regardless of how disproportionate they face may be?

Have you never had this odd impression of cold energy when looking at people in a great mental distress with this sort of unmitigated look? And then realizing after hearing their stories that this was what you felt in their eyes?

Haven’t you ever felt this sort of contagious unconscious dynamism when looking at someone walking or smiling with great energy?

This is the same process happening with our life stories reflecting in our eyes. Well, I am talking about the eyes while actually it rather is about the eyes AND this general perception of yourself that you give when looking at people, walking, talking, doing things, etc.

But here is the surprising thing. In most cases (I said in most cases!), sufferance and lack of love or the both of them, actually make people unattractive. How could I even dare to say this? Well, just look. And tell me. Try to dig into people’s story, into people’s life. I can’t name them in respect to their intimacy, but you could even try to dig into the celebrities pictures and see how their beauty has evolved with time (or not according to the case). And make the comparison with the mental and spiritual health they were in at each stage of the photo.

The fact is that when you reach a certain point  -not even of awareness- but just of a general satisfaction or inner well-being, YOUR ENTIRE BODY lives it as well, beginning with your eyes.

On the other side, I have seen a lot of adopted people in my life as well as in some reportings, and I find them particularly beautiful! Most of the adopted children benefit from a tremendous love from their adoptive parents, and this is what gives them this sort of indescribable charm. The warmth of their adoptive parent’s love softly shaped something in their whole being, and most of all in their face and in their eyes.

And I have unfortunately seen as well in my surroundings, unwanted babies. Now, as babies they all have this innocence, purity and pure aura that will for all times make them beautiful. But the fact unfortunately is that, unloved babies often (I said often!) will not have this fluid featured face that desired babies have. There will always be this little something that will make an aware person feel that Baby lacked the basic love and desire that he or she deserves at the outset of his/her life.

Our eyes reflect non only our souls but also our hopes.

Facial features CAN change!

In my country there is this quote about how you can’t change an ugly face but you can change a bad behavior. Well, you know what? Life is made of permanent evolving cycles. The entire Natural Life Process IS EVOLUTION. Therefore, in respect to this, be convinced that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on earth can actually change. The continents did, the human nature and the living beings did, the climate did, and so did our brains!

Thus, regardless of the real existence or not of the law of evolution, things actually DO change. They initially told us that our neurons could never regenerate, until we finally found out that they could! They taught us that mature teeth could not grow anymore after an extraction…and yet more and more experiences show that this actually IS possible. The only thing that hasn’t been scientifically done as a positive experience is growing in height at the maturity. But I wouldn’t be surprised to hear one day about the possibility of the human growth process at maturity.

As a matter of fact, in this regard, our beauty -not the inner one but the external physical aspect- also CAN change. And I am certain that we all have seen at least once, someone initially unattractive becoming pleasant to look at (without using esthetical surgery) with time, maturity or with one of the three following factors that makes the eyes and glaze just gives a sort of charm to someone, making one so attractive and in some major cases, making one’s face just pleasant to look at.

1-      Innocence and purity: these two factors actually make the eyes look so clean and wide open nearly all the time, like if they were constantly in the admiration of something or asking a question, or simply believing everything as gospel truth. And actually, these people do have a little of naïve and ingenious heart. You see this when looking at babies, children, or looking at these other adult people so kind and trustful that their only eyes look like a rare jewel stone.

2-    Great mental energy:  as if they were permanently preparing for a battle. Their eyes usually transmit as much energy as a big waterfall and they are themselves like in a never ending important film casting. They may be children, students or adults, … but they have one thing in common: they possess or have developed a certain willingness. And this is so present in them that it contagiously inspires envy and admiration. They have this “hero” look, you know this somewhat of a Paul Newman’s glaze? It makes them look so terribly attractive whatever their height, weight, color or face shape. You just feel so fascinated by them without you being able to explain why. 

Legend: nothing. Just Paul Newman's glance that says "I will acheive it whatever may"!

I have often seen this look in a lot of entrepreneur’s eyes, sportsmen and outsiders (these people no one would ever put a bet on because they are just coming out of nowhere, absolutely unknown and unexpected). And I have noticed that when you go through a period of your life that puts all of your senses and energy at the highest because you are preparing to face and to conquer something important, you automatically get this look in your eyes. And so I understood that these eyes and glazes were actually the ones of the Winners.

3-    Self realization: I often have noticed this special glaze in a majority of people practicing Taichi, yoga, Qi Gong, jogging, etc.  I have also seen it most of the times in people having reached a certain level of awareness. But, as far as I recall, I have always seen this look in the eyes of people possessing a certain wisdom, a generous heart and gentleness. I have also seen in in the eyes of them who have realized themselves as part of the humanity, and in the eyes of those who simply have realized their life mission. 
      Their eyes are often like a quiet lake, like a story book telling us about these several storms they went through in their lives and which now are totally over. We feel in these eyes the same happiness that we felt when reminding us those good moments of our childhood. Their smiles are as comforting as a tender loving parent cuddling our head in time of distress. The tune of their voice and their flow is like a sweet hot towel enrobing us after coming out of the swimming pool.

These people have done their part and their eyes clearly show it. Yet they will keep on doing even more than what is expected from them because they have made of generosity their second nature. 

These eyes are not expecting anything from anyone anymore and their owners do not have anything to take from anyone anymore because EVERY THING that they need is INSIDE THEM! Instead, these eyes reflect a certain willingness to share with anyone they can, a part of their experience, lessons, time and love.

And in some other times, some eyes just share our struggles and littles victories over life.

These are the eyes of them who have run their races, fought their battles and who have overcome in the highest dignity, all of their past and worst demons. I concluded that these were the eyes of inner peace, self accomplishment, love and wisdom.

Now, no matter how close of far your glaze may be from the one of Paul Newman, Mandela or babies, just know that you can make yourself even more pleasant looking than what you already are. And this is not only a question of charm but it is a matter of real regenerating feature of your face through the way you feed and soul and lead your life.

This being said, know that you ARE lovable and thus anyway, always beautiful! ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentorship.
Skype: cid-ar

mercredi 21 juin 2017

This new Dimension of Success

Fortunately, more and more people today (successful or not) begin to be aware and to integrate this “other” dimension of Success that is not as promoted as the social and the material dimension.

Actually, as human beings made out of feeble flesh, bones, we spontaneously give to the success this dream-dimension of an eased-moneyed-life with all of these facilities that success usually brings into one’s life. Behind the image of success, our human brains used to see the end of the tightened belts period, the end of our worries about the cost of our children health care and education, an easier access to pleasure and to all these little things that daily media hype feed us with.

Now, to make it clear, there is NOTHING wrong AT ALL with this. It IS NORMAL to benefit from all of these things that we have worked so hard for in a life time. It just is totally wrong though, to think that the lives of successful person have gone easier or that they require less effort. They just have a sort of more “legitimate right” to enjoy this DESERVED RECOMPENSE resulting from a life time of efforts (when this is the case of course). 

I am not saying here that only successful person deserve enjoying these recompenses. EVERYONE actually deserves to enjoy the profits of one's life time efforts. And no one is to blame for wishing to get to this stage of life called Success, a concept which is meant to evolve for certain important reasons.

But first, let us get back to the definition of success so as to make ourselves a better idea of what it actually is and involves.

Whether you accept it or not, your personal success is linked to the world. What kind of links do you want to leave?

Today’s definition of Success and of Successful Life.

Here is a quick definition of success: “Colloquial term used to describe a person that has achieved his or her personal, financial or career goals.
Achievement of an action within a specific period of time or within a specified parameter. Success can also mean completing an objective or reaching a goal. "

Now, this definition has been taken from a business dictionary and it is thus normal that the major components of the definition are linked to business. But, the majority of us have linked at least once the success to this material aspect and level of life, haven’t we? And we are overwhelmed everyday by coaches, trainings and promises of strategies destined to make us reach this “successful life” shown through the images of some “social standards of life to achieve”.  

          Successful life:
Now, a successful life is meant to be a life where various aspects of one’s life have been achieved, regardless of whether this is about given social standards or about deep inner desires of change that have been realized.

In any case, it is intersting to figure out the dimensions involved in success.

What dimensions are involved in a succesful life.

Of course to begin with, there is this very interpersonal dimension linked to the self confidence that results from the satisfaction of having achieved one or several personal goals. This normally should easy the achievement of well-being. But is it always the case?

Then come the other dimensions, the social one (being recognized as a successful person, the access to some higher level of relationships and contacts, etc.), the material and financial dimension, the health dimension (in terms of physical health and not in terms of mental health since mental health is not the result of success but the result of awareness) thanks to the material means allowing access to a better standard of health care, etc.

The mental and spiritual dimensions are not the ones we see first in success stories.

The spiritual and mental dimension may be present or not, depending on each one’s personal convictions, values and way of living, but I noticed though that the higher you get in success and the more opportunities you normally have to entertain your soul. This is like a sort of natural need to reaching some higher grounds as and when of one's personal ascension.

Note though, that feeding one’s soul (just like mental health) is not at all related to success but more to certain awareness.

Thus, a successful life is about what satisfaction and advantages I get from my work, efforts, perseverance, etc. It is about the UTILITY of MY ideas, business, activities, inventions, realizations, etc. (no matter how good or bad they are), but this is a utility linked to profit, to MY gain, to MY fame, to MY social recognition, etc.

And this has been for ages, the standard and accepted unconscious definition of success and of a successful life.

When the  ”I” turns into ”what I can do for them”, the well-being and happiness are immediately in with the spiritual and the mental dimensions.

Now the point is about how certain values, when involved in a life, can bring more appeasement and soul easing.
When in a successful life, you begin to think in terms of  “what you can do for others”, then you automatically  open yourself to some spiritual and mental dimensions. Note that mental dimension here is very different from the interpersonal one explained earlier. This mental dimension we are talking about here, is rather about inner peace.

Actually, when you open your mind to go beyond the Me, Myself and I (I am great, I have succeded, I am important, I am rich, I have created this and that, I am known, I am feared, admired, etc.), you give yourself a free ticket to to a level of awareness, of well-being and of happiness that words can not explain. And in addition, you give yourself the assurance of leaving your name and footprint in history.   

As a matter of fact, no matter what your activities, business, projects, ideas, inventions are, there ALWAYS is a way to make them contribute to leave a positive footprint to the posterity.

Now I am not telling you to distribute your shares or profit to the needy (which can be an option though). I am talking about bringing your business, idea, invention, project the HIGHEST ADDED VALUE ever. I am talking about allowing your activities and yourself to be not only part but a major actor of a much bigger adventure and process that the one you are in now.
When turning the I into "what I can do for others", you bring your contribution to the CONSTRUCTION OF A POSITIVE CHANGE around you, no matter what this contribution is.

We definitely are indebted to the posterity.

This new dimension of success is about leaving something to the posterity.


Because it is also part of your mission to bring hope, dreams and some reasons to smile to the posterity. This is even more the case if you are parent, but not being parent actually does not spare you from this duty.

One’s success is not, as we may think, only related to oneself or one’s close environment. I believe it wrong to pretend having succeeded one’s life yet having left or done nothing in terms of positive change and impacts. This is not success for me. This is pure apothecary business. This is like taking from cheap and selling it twice the price elsewhere with no value added.

Since, whatever may be our personal goals and dreams today, because of the world that we live in and because of these things that we have done to it, these dreams and goals should necessarily include a part dedicated to our children's future.

The fact is that, whether we accept it or not, we are INDEBTED TO THE POSTERITY the same way that our elders have been indebted to us. 

We have this responsibility of leaving behind us something important enough to help our children bear the climatic change, the demographic explosion, to the upsurge in violence and silliness, to the insufficiency of food resources,… and all of these non-pleasant and dangerous effects resulting from OUR presence and ACTIONS, in the best possible ways and conditions.

This should not only be by simple human concern for our other human congeners. This is an obligation, a duty, IN REPARATION OF WHAT WE LEAVE TODAY AS A WORLD TO OUR CHILDREN and which results from our pretended highness and outstanding cleverness!

This is the least that we owe them and that we owe to ourselves anyway.

So at the end of our successful day, month, year, period,, we really have this legitimacy to say that we actually HAVE succeeded our life. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional mentoring accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or productivity goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

Les jaloux: des écorchés vifs de la vie?

Et alors? Mais tous les écorchés vifs (et il y en a) n'em... pas le monde pour autant!   Que les jaloux aient bâclé ou raté des étapes c...