mercredi 30 août 2017

Sometimes, pretending to be fine can be fine.

 To be or not to be fine?
The incredible use of the social networks today has made the later become some kinds of state of minds and feelings (authentic or fake) outfalls.

And no matter if their real lives looks like an accumulation of shattered stones, the social pressure has developed today a new specific talent for a lot of social network users: the journalistic art of presenting some pieces of life (cut in a surgical precision), as the master pieces of a new reality invented from all sides.

The social networks are overwhelmed under these thwarted and broken pieces of life which are presented as real moments of exception. The number of “likes” and comments actually tend to sustain these true or fake public life exposures. The masses have jumped in the deal and for a moment, the authors felt themselves existing, valorized and appreciated to the point that they will repeat this artifice as often as necessary, as long as this brings them this punctual euphoria and importance that they often lack in the real life.

The first detractors of this operating mode are often supporters and advocators of the real authentic way of living concept. No need to say that they are not the first fans of these kinds of public exposure of intimate moments of life and they obviously are unlikely to fall into the trap.

You sometimes also have these people whose own lives look pretty much like those of the fake happy-minded social network users (in the real life). They just can't for many indescribable reasons, display or show the funny, sympathetic and jovial aspect of their existences.

Well, as far as I am concerned, I am not really fond of these dishonest games of pretending to be who one we are not, pretending to live situations we have never approached or pretending to feel unauthentic emotions and just cheating people in their beliefs. But there is though, some kind of utility to these practises. The fact is that the doing-as-if method is actually among the first languages that our brains receive and decode as an order to be executed. This strangely shaped organ laying in our skulls doesn’t actually address to us in any of the earthly existing languages. It mostly addresses in symbols and thus understands better the messages we send him when these later are made into symbols.

So, in order to make our brain execute our orders in the most efficient way, we need to use the « right codes” to allow it to catch the correct messages that we want to send it. And here lays all the common sense of the success.   

The way to the brain is the way to self realization and to success.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Communicating with our brain should normally be very simple but since we have not been taught to adapt our communication to the language of our brain, this creates a major misunderstanding and misexecuting issue. And we all know what happens in organizations, Companies or families lacking good communication. This is what happens to us sometimes when we bump against the wall.

The communication system of the brain: Faith and symbols.
Now, back to the subject, the brain does not only speak in symbols, it also communicates in feelings. And one of the most important ones that makes the brain bend to full execution of a order, a dream or a desire, is FAITH. Because success like any other thing in the world, requires and involves a certain mental power, a certain physical energy to sustain the efforts displayed for reaching the goals, but also and most of all, it a well-fed soul to interact fully with the two first aspects of ourselves. This is why doing-as-if even when nothing in the reality actually allows it, is the best way to make the doing-as-if games it turn into reality. It is like telling your brain and the Universe that we know that the real context might not be favorable for the moment, but that the power of our dream, the power of our brain and the power of the Universe are much more significant that what is currently available or not in the reality.

The moment I understood this (almost 15 years ago), there was so much common sense, force and conviction into this, that the life experience sponge-absorbing-material that I was then just couldn’t wait to make my own tries about this strange but very funny experience.

The energy of doing-as-if.
And this is how, some months later, a few weeks after I lost my job, I consciously decided to dress very correctly for what was supposed to be a simple moment to spend with a good friend. There are instants in a lifetime when you are sunk so deep down to the bottom in terms of energy that a simple “Wow, you look so wonderful!” from a friend can have a great revitalizing power.

I felt pretty, refreshed, useful… important during this moment I spent with my friend which lasted only few hours. The fact is that though we don’t realize it, in these moments of deep-feeling-good and important, there are some inner mechanisms that we don’t necessarily understand which are been triggered without us knowing it, but who actually are in action.

And I was still in that state of inner power when some hours later, I received a call for a job interview from the new managers of the place I just left some weeks ago. I almost forced them to have the interview during the day so I could benefit from this flow of energy which was filling me.

I did the interview with this boosting energy within me and with the confidence of the winners. And when you think of yourself as of a winner, you mandatorily speak like a winner… and win just like winners do.

7 days after the interview, I was flying back to this 13 ha paradise hotel-island with its emerald waters for a new professional period, with new managers and new attracting salary conditions.

This has been my first conscious experience of doing-as-if, but my entire life actually is a succession of successful doing-as-if tries which turned into some victories over me and over my life in terms of awareness and of social and material evolution. And some people around with whom I had shared this concept have all after some tries, confirmed the efficiency of this strange phenomenon.

As long as the mind, the body and the soul agree with the objective, positive change is underway.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Pretending in the aim of cheating Vs. Doing-as-if.
There is a difference in terms of objectives between pretending and doing-as-if, but the real difference is in terms of effects and results.
I then asked myself if this doing-as-if concept was cheating, the same way pretending to be who we are not is.

Well the thing is that there is a difference, a huge one. This difference is not only in terms of goals but in terms of intention. When pretending to be who we are not, pretending to have what we don’t own, etc. is made out of lies in order to impress the gallery or to cheat someone, doing-as-if is made out of a hope and faith process, in the objective of a sane transformation.

Pretending is related to outside factors: people’s approval about who we pretend to be and about people’s opinion. Doing-as-if is related to our inner self and linked to personal goals destined to bring us more comfort about who we are and what we plan to become. The first one is focused on the outside’s opinion when the second one is based on the objective of an inner evolution.

The other major difference is that pretending expects the change to come from the outside, which is anything but possible.

But most of all, pretending in the aim of lying and cheating is disturbing the inner functioning because of the discordance between the mind (which eventually might approve), the body (which is the one who will mostly pay for this inner discordance) and the soul (which we never give much attention to yet it plays a major role in the balance in terms of realization of success ad happiness). Thus there can be no positive change coming out of it, no evolution no transformation, but rather a sort of regression due to the fact that lies and cheating are based on negative aims.

And the other side, doing-as-if is related to some efforts made in the objective of a personal inner enhancement and elevation. It is meant to satisfy something which is not related to the outside, to people or to the society, but to some deep inner quests and desires closely linked to a deep need of self-realization and fulfilment. Doing-as-if calls for a change from the inside which actually is the natural way which growth, development and succeed usually follow. And of course, doing-as-if has the full adherence of the mind, the body and the soul.  It hence is a profitable and enriching experience. And in the facts, the positive change actually is on the way.  

The Natural Success Process
Doing-as-if is among the processes that helped me succeed in functions that were not related to my background and diplomas, making me evolve sometimes in a better way than qualified people. This is the process which allowed me to reach some situations that I never imagined I could live one day.

This is how I realized that whatever the situation you are in, whatever your background, your origin, your possessions… you can get absolutely anywhere, become absolutely who you wish to and get what you deeply ask for provided:
1-   you give display the required energy for it;
2-   you develop enough sel-confidence to allow yourself to reach what you are looking for;
and most of all, when:

3-   your requirements are in full accordance with your mind, your body and your soul, which will allow them to work in synergy for the achievement of your goals. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

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