lundi 28 août 2017

Existing, loving the person that we are and making things work out right.

Yes, there is indeed one sole way to make things work out for us, and it requires loving the person we are enough to authorize it.

Gratuitous remark? From a scientific point of view may be but this is not even certain since more and more scientific reports tend to show the causality aspect between self esteem, self acceptance and success.

But from the Natural Life Process point of view, this is common sense. because common sense made it that way that the moment you begin to exist for real, you start to accept yourself. And self acceptance is an open door to happiness.

Happiness by the way, is nothing but enjoying every little moment of every situation, whatever the circumstances. And when we begin to appreciate everything that we look at and see, this is the beginning of the gratefulness step.
Gratefulness activates a neuronal reprogramming which triggers and facilitates an inner success process.

If this is still necessary, this is what it gives in details.

Existing is positioning oneself on the Life market.
 Considering the Natural Life Process, every single living and non living being and thing on the planet has a specific mission. As a result of this, no one and nothing is useless, from the frightening spider in the corner of the wall to the cockroach in the cupboards, and this includes the human being, from the daily drunkard to the daily mean and complaining persons that you know.
The Natural Life Process requires every one of us to find our place in the giant universal microcosm.

 When bringing out a product, a Company knows that this specific product needs to be positioned on the market. Because no matter its cost, beauty or utility, a product not existing on the market, is simply not existing at all! In order to exist for real, we hence need to position ourselves on the Life market.

Some personal growth trainings talk about « finding one’s identity »as first step. In other words, finding one’s identity consists in knowing who we are, being able to describe our personal identity, being able to position ourselves in terms in the family, in our history, in our projections, in our current environment, etc.

Self acceptance is accepting to pamper oneself, it is allowing one self to be free, admirable, lovable and respectable.
As long as we exist, better do it in the best possible ways. And this implies to exist with and through each single cell of our being, with each single thing that makes our specificity be they good or bad. When we decide to exist for real, we somehow are ready to learn to accept, to enjoy and to appreciate ourselves. 

What is the actual definition of self acceptance? Well this is over interpreted but it actually is a full time activity of self pampering and self giving attention that no one except our Sweet Mothers could do better that us. So the best solution is to do it ourselves.

Credit image: Pixabay.

·         The self acceptance equation.
 There is this wonderful thing which happens when our self acceptance is high; it is this magical and natural process of self acknowledgment, of self confidence, of self respect and of self esteem. I am not saying that this systematically the cases but in most cases, this is the logical sequence and the natural extension of self acceptance.

When we learn to know where we are really coming from, the place to where we really wish to go, at what rhythm and with which means, when we begin to give ourselves a little interest, trying to know what we like the most, what we like the less, which persons, things and situations are matching with us, what kind of project we feel at ease enough to be willing to develop it, etc.

But I think that the most wonderful part of it all is this: when we love ourselves enough we naturally avoid any person and situation that could be prejudicial to our happiness and well being. Actually, we simply attract more easily persons and situations focused on a sustainable construction. It becomes uncontrollable, instinctive. We naturally get surrounded by people who accept and love us to the point that is their gestures, glances, words, allow us to accept ourselves even more.

The nearest mathematical correspondence to this is, I think, a combination of + and of x equationned as follows :

=> (The way I see myself + The way I care about myself) X (Your respectous and loving company) = The development of my self- acceptance and self-esteem.
=> The development of my self acceptance and self esteem  => my natural direction towards people and situations that are beneficial and constructive for me = > Even more self acceptance and self esteem.

·         Self acceptance: the supreme independence.
 In the achievement of self acceptance, there is another magic thing happening which is called independence. Actually, the most freeing, sustainable and efficient and also the most authentic form of independence that exists on earth is the mental and affective independence.

Credit image: Pixabay.

Actually self acceptance is feeling good with oneself in full compliance with one’s thought and actions. And no one else’s look or validation concerning who I am or what I need to do is required.

Anybody can see, heard, feel and appreciate self acceptance and self esteem in a person. This self esteem and self acceptance have the power to develop a sort of capacity, to make one feel comfortable, to bring a certain charisma and self confidence that make one more  admirable and attractive.

In a global way, people with a reasonable feeling of self acceptance fill their own inner gap. They won’t need to lay it on with a trowel to enhance their outside aspect and to attract people’s attention or to beg for affection. Therefore, jealousy and envy become useless feelings because these people already fully enjoy and appreciate who they are as persons and what they possess.

In addition, self acceptance leads to self respect. And self respectful people usually tend to respectable things and situations.
And last but not the least, in the Natural life Process, self acceptance sets our inner machine to take us to the place we are meant to be. This situation usually and naturally leads to what they call “abundance” while it is nothing but the normal state human being is meant to reach.

The fact is that we all were initially conceived to appreciate and to accept ourselves. And as long as do not respect this Natural Life Process we are out of kilter with our master pieces which are not at their right place of the giant puzzle. And as long as this is the case, the writings on the walls are not clear. The teeth of the gear don’t match together. The machine simply doesn’t take off.  

On the contrary, when all the pieces are correctly placed where they are meant to, things interlock by themselves and bring with them these lots of exceptional and magic situations that we are all meant to live.

Conclusion :
1- I exist and that’s great.
ð  Since I showed and manifested myself to me, each part of my beings are the ones I am called to deal with for almost all my life. And since I will need to deal with for a lifetime, the best thing for e is to learn to know and to appreciate what I see of myself and to appreciate the person that I am.

2- I accept the person that I am and this is wonderful.
Because all of these things that I have done for others when I fall in love, I finally give it to myself now.   
ð  My interest, my time, my energy and my care are all, for once, turned in my favor.

3- Everything works out.
Because self acceptance and self respect call for other’s acceptance of the person I am, and call for other’s respect.
My self acceptance and self respect call for Life’s interest and respect.
My self acceptance and self respect lead each piece of my inner and outside machine to fully match with the gear of the Universe.
These gears are tuning in an upward movement and my Life follows the same direction.  ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

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